Tip - Quitting Smoking and Avoiding Smoke During Pregnancy-Topic Overview

Published  | Submitted by Marie Burton
Quitting Smoking and Avoiding Smoke During Pregnancy-Topic Overview

If you are a smoker and get pregnant,you should quit. If you are not a smoker,avoid secondhand smoke. Many programs are available to help pregnant women quit smoking. Ask your doctor or nurse-midwife for information on quitting smoking while pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of: 1 Placenta abruptio and placenta previa. Preterm labor. Miscarriage and stillbirth. A ...
Tags: cigarette smoke,complications of pregnancy,fetal health,passive smoke,pregnancy,pregnancy complications,pregnancy disorder,pregnancy precautions,pregnancy-related problems,pregnant,quitting smoking,second hand smoke,smoking,smoking cessation

About This Tip

Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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