Tip - Rapala Fishing Frenzy Review - IGN

Published  | Submitted by John Mather
Rapala Fishing Frenzy Review - IGN

The Rapala license has gone through one hell of a nose dive over the years, as the franchise has been moved from a main Activision title into the black hole of Activision Value. On Wii, we've seen just one title previous to the newly released Rapala: Fishing Frenzy, and that was Rapala Tournament Fishing, a game that didn't perform nearly as strong as we'd hoped on either the Xbox 360 or the Wii. On Nintendo's platform, the game was a complete mess of PS2-like assets, broken gameplay, and a huge lack of options. This time around, Activision went with developer Fun Labs in creating the next iteration of the game, and while its 360 counterpart is anything but impressive, Fishing Frenzy is actually a pretty sizable step in the right direction on Wii, though it still looks very rushed, and extremely rough all around.

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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