Reception Desk Etiquette

Reception Desk Etiquette – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Reception Desk Etiquette. This topic was created by Achaiah S and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Etiquette of a Front Office Receptionist

Published:  | Submitted by Pedro Barbosa | permalink
Etiquette of a Front Office Receptionist

A front office receptionist is often the first face visitors to your offices see. They are largely responsible for the first impression people have about a company. The demeanor of a front office ...

Tip 2 - Reception Desk Etiquette | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by elohyim | permalink
Reception Desk Etiquette | eHow

If you're sitting behind a reception desk, you're the first person a visitor meets in your company. First impressions do count, and your behavior and attitude matters. You should look to make a professional and welcoming impression at all times, even if you are busy with other tasks. Remember, the visitor isn't interrupting your business, he is...

Tip 3 - Business Etiquette Rules for a Receptionist

Published:  | Submitted by Moerv | permalink
Business Etiquette Rules for a Receptionist

Receptionists perform many duties, but their primary responsibility is to create an engaging and friendly atmosphere for the companies they represent. Since receptionists are typically the first ...

Tip 4 - Front desk etiquettes

Published:  | Submitted by Erv Comer | permalink
Front desk etiquettes

Telecommunication Training - Basic Etiquette of taking on phone. Helps to improve communication over telephone. Useful for - Telephone operator, customer se…

Tip 5 - Office Etiquette: 11 Tips for Your Reception Area - Greetly

Published:  | Submitted by Lynn Royston | permalink
Office Etiquette: 11 Tips for Your Reception Area - Greetly

What does your office's lobby communicate to potential customers and prospective employees? 11 office etiquette tips for a welcoming office reception area.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

10.6k+ Reads
5 Tips
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