Recipes to Help You Lose Weight Fast

Recipes to Help You Lose Weight Fast – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Recipes to Help You Lose Weight Fast. This topic was created by Deb Blackman and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 31 Quick-and-Easy Fat-Burning Recipes

Published:  | Submitted by I Bubiu 0107 | permalink
31 Quick-and-Easy Fat-Burning Recipes

From turkey burgers to banana smoothies, these simple calorie-burning recipes will help you lose weight fast.
Tags: quick, easy, fat-burning recipes, metabolism-booster, simple, resistant starch, protein, fiber

Tip 2 - Recipes to Drop 5 Pounds in One Week

Published:  | Submitted by elaine wang | permalink
Recipes to Drop 5 Pounds in One Week

Follow this 1,400-calorie-a-day plan for seven days (include moderate exercise) to drop up to 5 pounds.
Tags: health magazine april 2012, healthy recipes, weight loss, diet, volumetrics

Tip 3 - 16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Published:  | Submitted by Allo | permalink
16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Had it with strict diets? We found easy lifestyle tweaks that send extra pounds packing. We talked to readers who shred up to 60 pounds, just with some easy adjustments.
Tags: weight loss, dieting, dieting tips, pounds, diet, zumba, nighttime eating, health magazine july/august 2011

Tip 4 - 30 Super-Easy Dinners That'll Help You Lose Weight

Published:  | Submitted by John Hegarty | permalink

You'll be counting down the minutes 'til you can make these.
Tags: healthy dinner recipes,dinners for weight loss,weight loss tips,losing weight,low calories,low fat,healthy eating,diet plan

Tip 5 - A 7-Day, 1200-Calorie Meal Plan

Published:  | Submitted by Renate Eschmann | permalink
A 7-Day, 1200-Calorie Meal Plan

Follow this and youll slim down fast and still feel satisfied.
Tags: diet,exercise,lose weight fast,fitness,meal plan

Tip 6 - 50 Recipes for Weight Loss

Published:  | Submitted by B Gaimur | permalink
50 Recipes for Weight Loss

Feel overwhelmed when hunting for weight loss recipes online? Who has time to go through them all? We’ve compiled a list of 50 recipes for weight loss.

Tip 7 - The Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days Diet: Dinner Recipes Under 500 Calories

Published:  | Submitted by diablo 678 | permalink
The Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days Diet: Dinner Recipes Under 500 Calories

These delicious dinner recipes will keep you satisfied and still help you lose weight. Combine them with the healthy breakfast, lunch, and snack options in this diet for a total of 1,500 calories a day.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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