Rhubarb Diet – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Rhubarb Diet. This topic was created by vincent Ndi and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Weight Loss With Rhubarb | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Karyn Cooks | permalink
Weight Loss With Rhubarb | LIVESTRONG.COM

Rhubarb, used for hundreds of years in Asian medicine, has been eaten in the United States as an ingredient in homemade deserts, after being harvested from backyard gardens. However, this leafy vegetable is receiving attention once again for its potential health benefits. In fact, researches have discovered that rhubarb has multiple characteristics...

Tip 2 - Information About the Rhubarb Diet | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Jerry Biegler | permalink
Information About the Rhubarb Diet | LIVESTRONG.COM

To the uninitiated, rhubarb can seem an exotic mealtime accoutrement. The edible portion of this vegetable is its long pink stalk that somewhat resembles overgrown celery and is often utilized as a fruit in pies and jams. Eastern cuisines have historically included rhubarb for its health-promoting qualities, but Western culture has decided to...

Tip 3 - Your Weight-Loss Food: Eat Rhubarb

Published:  | Submitted by Annemarie May | permalink
Your Weight-Loss Food: Eat Rhubarb

Although we associate rhubarb with pies and jam, it’s actually a vegetable. And like many...

Tip 4 - Error 404

Published:  | Submitted by nitefr 8r | permalink
Error 404

Tags: 404

Tip 5 - Health Benefits of Rhubarb | Organic Facts

Published:  | Submitted by Annie Knappstein | permalink
Health Benefits of Rhubarb | Organic Facts

Rhubarb can aid in weight loss, improve digestion, prevent Alzheimer's disease, stimulate bone growth, avoid neuronal damage, increase skin health, prevent cancer, optimize metabolism, improve circulation, and protect against various cardiovascular conditions.
Tags: obesity, calories, rhubarb, stalks, rhizome, osteoporosis, cancer, antioxidant, alzheimer's, skin, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, digestion, calcium, vitamin K, macular,

Tip 6 - Rhubarb nutrition facts and health benefits

Published:  | Submitted by Donna Bebber | permalink

Tart and sweet-flavored rhubarb (Rheum rubarbaceum) is a perennial leafy vegetables grown for their fleshy, rose red edible stalks...Read on.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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