Right-Brained Online Learning

Right-Brained Online Learning – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Right-Brained Online Learning. This topic was created by alice nielsen and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Homeschool, Afterschool, Summer Study - Time4Learning

Published:  | Submitted by Justin Harvey | permalink
Homeschool, Afterschool, Summer Study - Time4Learning

Online education program for homeschool, afterschool, remediation and summer use. It teaches prek-12th graders math, language arts and more using animated lessons, printable worksheets and interactive activities.
Tags: visual learners, learner spatial visual, alternative learning styles, auditory learner visual, visual learning styles, special needs learning tools, special education learning tools, adhd learning, add/adhd learning, kids learning tools, learning styles, activities, educational, learning systems,online, fun ,interactive, games internet, reading writing math, skills ,evaluates, builds, reinforces, active, learners, exploration, discovery, game, best education, auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactile learner style software cds time4learning.com

Tip 2 - Modern myths of learning: The creative right brain | Donald H Taylor on WordPress.com

Published:  | Submitted by Barbara Chadwick | permalink
Modern myths of learning: The creative right brain | Donald H Taylor on WordPress.com

Modern myths of learning: The creative right brain First published on TrainingZone, 03/06/2009 Tweet this If you like this you may also like: Modern myths of learning: You only use 10% of your brain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Creative (Right-Brain) people can attain their goals!" "Creative people use the RIGHT side of their brains more than the LEFT"…

Tip 3 - Left Brain vs Right Brain in the Classroom | Scholastic.com

Published:  | Submitted by Pierfrancesco Fusaro | permalink
Left Brain vs Right Brain in the Classroom | Scholastic.com

By better understanding our own neurological strengths and weaknesses, we can adapt our lessons to reach all of our students.

Tip 4 - More Right-Brained Math Ideas

Published:  | Submitted by iolanda bocato | permalink
More Right-Brained Math Ideas

While arithmetic may seem simple to children with left-brain characteristics, right-brain oriented learners often struggle with basic math in traditional classroom settings, which are more geared toward left-brained learners. Fortunately, math does not have to be difficult for these learners! Homeschoolers can use curricula, techniques, and strategies that can help the right-brained child learn math effectively. Read More...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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