Risks of Taking Human Growth Hormones With Steroids

Risks of Taking Human Growth Hormones With Steroids – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Risks of Taking Human Growth Hormones With Steroids. This topic was created by Darlene Sala and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - HGH (Human Growth Hormone): Uses and Side Effects

Published:  | Submitted by John de Voy | permalink
HGH (Human Growth Hormone): Uses and Side Effects

WebMD explains the uses, risks, and side effects of human growth hormone.
Tags: hgh, human growth hormone, hgh supplements, hgh uses, hgh side effects, short stature, short bowel syndrome, anabolic steroids, anti aging and hgh, hgh risks

Tip 2 - The dangers of human growth hormones

Published:  | Submitted by Wendy Chin | permalink
The dangers of human growth hormones

Synthetic hormones such as Kigtropin can boost muscles but users risk blood clots, paralysis – or a prison sentence
Tags: Health & wellbeing,Fitness,Life and style,Drugs in sport,Drugs trade

Tip 3 - Human Growth Hormone (HGH)! - Bodybuilding.com

Published:  | Submitted by Christophe Meernhout | permalink
Human Growth Hormone (HGH)! - Bodybuilding.com

With thousands of supplements to rave about, an entire cloaked market of potent steroids and the debate about their legalization, why on earth would anyone want to discuss Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?
Tags: peter big cat van mol bodybuilding, hgh human, growth hormone, rest training, benefits, gh, h g h, train sleep, supplements power

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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