Tip - Science A-Z - Multilevel Elementary Science Curriculum

Published  | Submitted by Curt Mac Rae

We live in an energy-hungry culture. People's demand for electricity and fuel taxes Earth's supply of nonrenewable resources and forces us to find and use renewable and alternative sources. This unit acquaints students with the types of energy that people rely on and how they are generated and used. Nine energy resources are compared: crude oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal. Students will learn that there are benefits and drawbacks to using each resource.
Tags: science resources, science curriculum, science instruction, teaching science, science skills, elementary science, science lesson plans, science units, science books, science labs, hands-on science, science activities, science experiments, science projects, science fair projects, science worksheets, learn science, science materials, first-grade science, second-grade science, third-grade science, fourth-grade science, fifth-grade science, sixth-grade science; differentiated science instruction

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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