Search Warrant Rights

Search Warrant Rights – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Search Warrant Rights. This topic was created by Dave Podmore and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Search Warrants: What They Are and When They're Necessary |

Published:  | Submitted by traviskyllo | permalink
Search Warrants: What They Are and When They're Necessary |

Learn when police officers must obtain a warrant before they search your home or other property.

Tip 2 - Search Warrant Requirements - FindLaw

Published:  | Submitted by keith bowman | permalink
Search Warrant Requirements - FindLaw

Anyone who watches crime dramas on television is familiar with the scene where police officers enter a home or business brandishing a search warrant. The Fourth
Tags: Search and Seizure, Criminal Rights, Criminal Law

Tip 3 - Searches and Seizures: The Limitations of the Police - FindLaw

Published:  | Submitted by Edwin Rodin - Brown | permalink
Searches and Seizures: The Limitations of the Police - FindLaw

Although people in the United States are entitled to privacy and freedom from government intrusion, there is a limit to that privacy. State or federal police
Tags: Search and Seizure, Criminal Rights, Criminal Law

Tip 4 - Know Your Rights: Can You be Searched Without a Warrant?

Published:  | Submitted by Susy Martes | permalink
Know Your Rights: Can You be Searched Without a Warrant?

Fans of Law and Order and other popular crime dramas might be familiar with a common storyline—illegal search and seizure. But do you actually know the particulars regarding your Fourth Amendment rights? This handy primer gives you an overview of the search warrant process, including your right to refuse a search, when a warrant is not required and what to do if the police show up at your doorstep.
Tags: Know Your Rights: Can You be Searched Without a Warrant?,legalzoom,US Law,More US Law

Tip 5 - Supreme Court Rules that Cops DO NOT Need a Warrant to Search Your Home

Published:  | Submitted by Edwin Khoo | permalink
Supreme Court Rules that Cops DO NOT Need a Warrant to Search Your Home

In another devastating blow to freedom, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that police don't need a warrant to search your property. As long as two occupants disagree about allowing officers to enter, and the resident who refuses access is then arrested, police may enter the residence. “Instead of adhering to the warrant requirement,” Ginsburg wrote,…
Tags: Badge Abuse,Be The Change,Government Corruption,The State,4th Amendment,illegal search,police state,police,home,decision,freedom,liberty,agorism,voluntaryism,open-minded,free thought,freethought,free thought project,cop watch,police brutality,ron paul,peace,antiwar,anarchy,capitalism,free market

Tip 6 - Police at my door: what should I do? | Flex Your Rights

Published:  | Submitted by Patrycja | permalink
Police at my door: what should I do? | Flex Your Rights

Don't be intimidated by police at your door. These rules will help protect your rights and improve your odds of avoiding a home search.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

6.9k+ Reads
6 Tips
6 Votes
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