Secrets to Successful Dating

You meet someone amazing, you start dating and everything is great till things start to change. I have had that happen a few times and I wanted to know what you guys do to keep the fire going when you are dating someone you like.

Tip 1 - Make Time For Your Partner Even When You Are Busy

Published:  | Submitted by Hillary Adams | permalink

Everyone is busy today, and if you are, chances are your partner is too. However, in order for a relationship or a dating phase to go successfully you need to make time for the other person. Even if you are caught up with something, you can prioritize, see what can be put off, and then give some time to your partner.

If you are never available or always too busy, don't be surprised when its eventually called off.

Tip 2 - Don't Ask for Change

Published:  | Submitted by Rupert Clark | permalink

If you don't like his beard, he might not like your pixie cut. Don't force change, don't push your partner to do things like you want them. If you want him to make certain changes you can hint at them, or appreciate him when he does something similar. Given he likes you too, he will adopt those changes himself. But if you push him too, you'll only distance him.

Tip 3 - Everyday is a New Day!

Published:  | Submitted by Siya S | permalink

Come up with new ideas to spend time, the same routine can put pressure on your growing relationship.  Try horseback riding, mountain hikes, long bike rides, and just nice walks in the park.  

Tip 4 - Make Sure You Both Have At least a Few Similar Interests

Published:  | Submitted by Joeisme | permalink

Even if you are getting into a relation on pure instinct, don't be blind enough to note when there are no common points. You should have some interests that you both share so that you never run out of things to talk about.

Tip 5 - Don't Be Too Territorial

Published:  | Submitted by Alysha | permalink

You might naturally feel jealous or possessive if you really like a person but it's generally not a good idea to be too territorial, especially when you are dating. You don't want the other person to feel suffocated or tied up.

Tip 6 - Make Your Partner Work for Things

Published:  | Submitted by Rebecca | permalink

Even if you are madly in love with him/her, don't throw yourself at your partner. It's always good to make him/her work for you and not take you for granted.

Tip 7 - Don't reveal too much about yourself straight away

Published:  | Submitted by 007 | permalink

People don't understand, a successful relationship is one that can continuously surprise you, don't go off being in your partners face 24 hours a day! Keep it special, take one step at a time.

Revealing too much and opening up too much at once also exposes your weaknesses!


Tip 8 - Respect the other person's space

Published:  | Submitted by Nelson | permalink

Even if the two of you are getting really close, you need to respect the other person's space and give him/her room to breathe. A good relationship can turn sour if you are too clingy.

Tip 9 - Use Technology to your Benefit

Published:  | Submitted by Ben Johnson | permalink

Technology today allows you to keep in touch with your partner even when you aren't in the same town or city. You can use Skype to talk to her, surprise her with a call or see her (and have her see you) when you two have to be away for some time. Similarly, you can send her messages, e-mails, tag her in social media (if you know she wouldn't mind) and convey your feelings using technology.

This way the two of you will always be in touch, reminded of each other, and not drift apart. It's a good way to manage a relationship.

Tip 10 - Don't enforce your habits on your dating partner

Published:  | Submitted by Abbyjohnson | permalink

Often when things go smooth and a couple is well settled people think its okay to enforce their habits on others. Don't be sloppy, respect the other person and don't expect your partner to cater to your preferences and habits just like that. The secret is to have a mutual relationship where both give and take.

Tip 11 - Insurance agent email lists

Published:  | Submitted by atekur | permalink
Insurance agent email lists

Mailing lists by targeted category U.s.a Insurance Agent or Brokers Email List with all agents or brokers contact details and updated lists by 2015

About This Topic

Category: Relationships & Family | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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