Sex Prostate Problems

Sex Prostate Problems – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Sex Prostate Problems. This topic was created by kataxist and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - It’s Complicated: Enlarged Prostate and Sex

Published:  | Submitted by yuji 0001 | permalink
It’s Complicated: Enlarged Prostate and Sex

Addressing BPH can relieve your bathroom problems but may cause problems in the bedroom.<br/>

Tip 2 - Managing Sexual Concerns if You Have BPH

Published:  | Submitted by Mateja Jarc | permalink
Managing Sexual Concerns if You Have BPH

WebMD provides advice for managing sexual problems if you have an enlarged prostate, or BPH.
Tags: BPH, BPH sexual problems, BPH erectile dysfunction, BPH ED drugs, BPH treatment, enlarged prostate

Tip 3 - 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

Published:  | Submitted by Ludwigvon 97 | permalink
10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more.
Tags: relationships, sexual health, benefits of sex, sex benefits, sex and stress, sex relieves stress, sex immune system, sex and sleeping, sex and your heart, sex weight loss, sex burns calories, sex self-esteem

Tip 4 - Enlarged Prostate Tied to Sexual Dysfunction

Published:  | Submitted by Paul Goldman | permalink
Enlarged Prostate Tied to Sexual Dysfunction

Urinary tract problems caused by an enlarged prostate, such as getting up many times during the night to urinate, may be associated with erectile dysfunction and other problems relating to sex in older men.
Tags: sexual drive, erection, ejaculation, enlarged prostate, sexual dysfunction, urinary tract, urgency

Tip 5 - Sex and the Prostate: Overcoming erectile dysfunction when you have prostate disease - Harvard Prostate Knowledge

Published:  | Submitted by Juan Saldana | permalink
Sex and the Prostate: Overcoming erectile dysfunction when you have prostate disease - Harvard Prostate Knowledge

Erectile dysfunction can have many causes, including some forms of prostate disease and prostate cancer surgery. The problem can often be effectively addressed. Some men find relief by taking medications. If these aren’t effective for you, a number of other options, including injections and vacuum devices, are available.

Tip 6 - Does frequent ejaculation help ward off prostate cancer? - Harvard Prostate Knowledge

Published:  | Submitted by Deborah Cheng | permalink

Studies show that ejaculating often may help protect against prostate cancer.

Tip 7 - Is Sex Good For Prostate Problems? -

Published:  | Submitted by Evelyn Ku | permalink
Is Sex Good For Prostate Problems? -

Is sex good for prostate problems? That's a question men often wonder about but don't always ask. Sex is generally considered healthly for the prostate.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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