Shingles Rash Information

Shingles Rash Information – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Shingles Rash Information. This topic was created by Frans Laermans and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Shingles Health Center

Published:  | Submitted by Hyperion 916 | permalink
Shingles Health Center

What you need to know about Shingles’ cause, latest treatments, and the first shingles vaccine.
Tags: Shingles, picture of shingles, shingles symptom, shingles symptoms, shingles virus, shingles rash, shingles pain, shingles treatment, shingles vaccine

Tip 2 - Shingles-Symptoms

Published:  | Submitted by Maria Rosu 00e 9n | permalink

When the virus that causes chickenpox reactivates, it causes shingles. Early symptoms of shingles include headache, sensitivity to light, and flu - like symptoms without a fever.
Tags: shingles, symptoms of shingles, symptoms, signs, pain, rash, itching

Tip 3 - Shingles-Topic Overview

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Anshel | permalink
Shingles-Topic Overview

Learn about shingles (herpes zoster), a painful, contagious rash caused by the chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster). Read on for treatment and vaccine information.
Tags: shingles, symptoms, virus, causes, contagious, herpes zoster, child, medication treatment, pregnancy, illness, stress, cure, chickenpox, postherpetic neuralgia, pain, PHN, varicella-zoster virus, famciclovir, disease, medical condition, injury, vaccine, treatment, chicken pox

Tip 4 - Shingles-Treatment Overview

Published:  | Submitted by Dawn Harrell | permalink
Shingles-Treatment Overview

There is no cure for shingles, but treatment may shorten the length of illness and prevent complications. Treatment options include: Antiviral medications, sometimes in combination with corticosteroids, to reduce the pain and duration of shingles.
Tags: shingles, treatment of shingles, , post-herpetic neuralgia, Postherpetic neuralgia, antiviral medications, corticosteroids, topical creams, antidepressants, lessening the duration of shingles, lessening the pain of shingles

Tip 5 - What Does Shingles Look Like?

Published:  | Submitted by afton | permalink
What Does Shingles Look Like?

Shingles (herpes zoster) occurs when the dormant chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster) is reactivated in your nerve tissues.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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