Should you hire a Human Resource person for recruiting

Should you hire a Human Resource person for recruiting?  From what i have heard, the best CEOs and investors do not simply throw money to an outside agency or have a rotation of cheaper, contracted recruiters. Nor do they simply hire a Human Resource person to be put in charge of something so important as Hiring (considering HR Directors typically have to hire outside recruiters to help them fill the openings.) The smart CEOs work to build a world class recruiting model that can sustain for 1 hire or 1000 hires....a scalable model that's been proven and works every time.

Would love to hear tips from others.

Tip 1 - How to Hire an HR Director

Published:  | Submitted by NCID Qcert Shannan Puschmann Goforth | permalink
How to Hire an HR Director

Growing companies add employees at a rapid clip. They also tend to handle human resources in an ad hoc function for too long. Here's a look at the best practices for when and how to hire an HR director.

Tip 2 - When Should You Hire a Dedicated HR Staffer?

Published:  | Submitted by Binay | permalink
When Should You Hire a Dedicated HR Staffer?

In many small businesses the owner takes care of HR functions such as posting job openings, interviewing, hiring. When should they hire a dedicated HR pro?

Tip 3 - When to outsource HR duties and when to hire

Published:  | Submitted by DANIESWELLT | permalink
When to outsource HR duties and when to hire

Depending on their stage of growth and other factors, small companies have several options for human resources management expertise, ranging from an “a la carte” approach and outsourcing key HR functions to recruiting and hiring one or more experienced HR pros.

Tip 4 - Human Resources Problems: When to hire an HR Manager [infographic]

Published:  | Submitted by Alan Edney | permalink
Human Resources Problems: When to hire an HR Manager [infographic]

When you have more staffing problems than you're capable of dealing with, it can really hurt your bottom line. But don't worry?HR can help!

Tip 5 - How to Interview Someone in the HR Industry | SmartRecruiters Blog

Published:  | Submitted by Motivators and Creators | permalink
How to Interview Someone in the HR Industry | SmartRecruiters Blog

How to interview someone. Need a HR / Human Resources Professional? Here are the questions to ask - and answers to look for.
Tags: how to interview someone,hr interview,human resources interview,hr,human resources,human resource questions,interview bias,how to,interview

Tip 6 - The Cost of Bad Hiring Decisions Runs High

Published:  | Submitted by Ron Riley | permalink
The Cost of Bad Hiring Decisions Runs High

Consider this: the cost of selecting the wrong person can run into the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. Get five tips for hiring the right candidate.

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Category: Careers & Work | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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