Signs That Your Teen is Smoking

Parenting teens is a tough job but it is important to identify issues early on so you can deal with them. If you guys keep a look out for signs that your kid is smoking, please share tips here.

Tip 1 - Observe their Friends and Any Absurd Behaviours

Published:  | Submitted by michellevette | permalink
Observe their Friends and Any Absurd Behaviours

They say all sorts of substance abuse begins as a teen due to the increase pressure in peer influence.  From the beginning try to develop a trusting relationship with your kids, so they may share with you the kinds of friends they meet or befriend. 

From child when they try to hide something from us, we can tell by their behaviour or facial expression. Well, guess what the same applies when they reach their teenage years.  If your daughter never locked her door and all of a sudden she begins to lock her door, then it is a big alert sign. Keep eyes on the back of your head. 

Tip 2 - Frequent use of breath mints and gum

Published:  | Submitted by Eric | permalink

If your teen is regularly seen chewing gum or breath mints you might want to start keeping a closer eye.

Tip 3 - "Mum, I'm just going for a walk"

Published:  | Submitted by z 4zee | permalink

If the above is said to you frequently then you better start being suspicious...

Tip 4 - Clothes smell of tobacco smoke

Published:  | Submitted by RickyJohnson | permalink

If your kid is smoking his or her clothes will definitely smell of smoke. When your kid changes shirts or tops, check them for any suspicious smell.

Tip 5 - He/She has surprisingly started brushing teeth very regularly

Published:  | Submitted by Rupert Clark | permalink

If your teen heads to the bathroom to brush teeth as soon as he/she gets into the house, its a big indicator that someone is indeed smoking. You know their habits, if you think they are surprisingly paying more attention to their dental hygiene, you have a good reason to suspect something is off.

Tip 6 - Trips to the roof or the terrace, especially at night

Published:  | Submitted by Lizzy | permalink

Most teens who can't leave home late night resort to smoking on the terrace or the roof. If you find your teen making regular trips, especially at night, you should be concerned about smoking habits.

Tip 7 - Teeth start staining brown

Published:  | Submitted by Tipster | permalink

If your kid is smoking he/she might start showing dental stains. These are generally brownish and are mostly visible on the front teeth. You can keep an eye on your teen's teeth or ask your dentist about their condition to find out whether he/she is smoking or not.

Tip 8 - Finding Lighters Belonging to 'Friends'

Published:  | Submitted by Hillary Adams | permalink

If your teen is smoking regularly he/she probably owns a lighter. If you ever find one in his/her pants or bag, you will most likely hear that it belongs to a friend. Well, these lighters belonging to 'friends' are a major sign your teen is in fact smoking.

Tip 9 - Lips Darkening due to smoking is a big sign

Published:  | Submitted by Henderson | permalink

If you notice your teen's lips darkening there is a good possibility that he/she is smoking. The tar in cigarettes can cause lips to darken and turn slightly black.

About This Topic

Category: Parenting | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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