Signs You Might Get Fired Soon

We have had a lay off recently and a lot of employees were let go. Even the ones that have been retained are not sure for how long. HR doesn't really give you a heads up and all but in your experience what are the signs that you might get fired soon?

Tip 1 - When Your Boss Starts To Keep Distance

Published:  | Submitted by Susan Casteel | permalink
When Your Boss Starts To Keep Distance

When Your Boss Starts To Keep Distance 

Distance: When things get bad, they can get awkward. And when things get awkward, people tend to run in the other direction. An impending termination is no different. If your boss seems aloof and stand-offish, it could be because they aren't sure how to deliver the news. Take to heart that if they didn't care about you, they'd fire you without a second thought.

by Diana Pearl


Tip 2 - Watch out for the Under Dog!

Published:  | Submitted by Siya S | permalink
Watch out for the Under Dog!

Lookout for the underdog, remember they come right from under your nose and voila, they have your job. These kinds of colleagues strategically choose their 'work friendships' for the single purpose of moving ahead 

Tip 3 - Your Regional Offices Start Shutting Down

Published:  | Submitted by Hillary Adams | permalink

When a company is cutting its losses they often start with shutting down far flung regional offices. Even if you are in the main HQ, the shutting down of these offices should be a strong signal that you might get fired too in time.

Tip 4 - When HR people start acting weird around you

Published:  | Submitted by Rupert Clark | permalink

The HR people are usually the ones in charge of lay offs and firings, which means if you are going to be fired soon, they probably know something about it. If you find them acting odd or distant, the reason might be that they don't want to be close to you anymore because they have to fire you soon.

Tip 5 - Your Supervisor Stops Taking Interest In Your Performance

Published:  | Submitted by Rebecca | permalink

If your supervisor or manager stops caring about your performance, it is a strong sign that the company is not thinking long-term with you.

Tip 6 - When you see the colleagues around you getting the sack

Published:  | Submitted by Georgiah | permalink

Usually when companies are looking to size down, they slowly get rid of their resources... That means the colleagues that once worked with you are no longer there it means your job is also at danger.

Tip 7 - When your job role keeps altering

Published:  | Submitted by JJJ | permalink

They want you here then they change there mind... they want you there! This is a sign of an inconsistent company. Once they figure out that nothing is working your job is lost.

Tip 8 - When you keep missing your timelines or targets and have an excuse after excuse

Published:  | Submitted by Suzan Del Bene | permalink

When you keep missing your timeline or targets and have an excuse after excuse. No one gets fired, you choose to be let go.  I have never heard of a single company who let go their most valuable assets.  It is very hard to find good employers and it is just as hard to find good employees.  When an employer finds someone good, they depend on that person and they do whatever they can to accommodate him. 

I have seen companies go under but the most productive employees were taken on in other ventures and were recommended to other companies.  A good smart, dedicated employee can not be ignored. Employers notice him and so do the suppliers, partners and other business associates.  

As a boss, you talk about your star players and there is no way you would let them go.  If you have fair of being let go, start improving your performance, go be on the call of duty and do something worth while for everyone.  You will never have to worry about getting fired. Most of the time, companies will be waiting in line to headhunt you.  


Tip 9 - mailing lists for sale

Published:  | Submitted by latestdatabase 5 | permalink
mailing lists for sale

The hard bounce - These are messages which canby no means be delivered. Quite oftenthere is an input error once the subscriber is opting into your record. Messages to suche mail boxes neverachieve. Often the subscriber is no longerusing the emailhandle with which they opted into your list.

For further reading: [9]

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Category: Careers & Work | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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