Simple Diet Menus Using Mostly Fruits and Vegetables

Simple Diet Menus Using Mostly Fruits and Vegetables – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Simple Diet Menus Using Mostly Fruits and Vegetables. This topic was created by steve wilkinson and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - I Tried Mark Bittman's VB6 Diet, and Here's How It Went

Published:  | Submitted by Frederic Beauvais | permalink
I Tried Mark Bittman's VB6 Diet, and Here's How It Went

The premise: Vegan until 6pm then eat what you want. No calorie counting; lose weight and get healthy. I tried Bittman's VB6 diet and here's how it went.

Tip 2 - Raw Food Diet Plan

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Caviness | permalink

Use this raw food diet plan and improve your health.

Tip 3 - 10 Simple Guidelines for Eating Healthier than Ever

Published:  | Submitted by Catherine Jelski | permalink
10 Simple Guidelines for Eating Healthier than Ever

Eating healthy doesn't have to be a challenge. Follow these 10 simple tips to make eating healthy foods easier than ever.

Tip 4 - Healthy Fruit and Vegetable Recipes

Published:  | Submitted by Thomas Veit | permalink
Healthy Fruit and Vegetable Recipes

Our collection of recipes makes getting your daily servings of fruits and vegetables easy (and delicious).

Tip 5 - Meal Plan With Only Fruits & Vegetables | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Peggy Florence | permalink
Meal Plan With Only Fruits & Vegetables | LIVESTRONG.COM

Eating only fruits and veggies sounds great in theory. After all, most Americans get less than half of the government-recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables every day, and such foods are packed with nutrients that our bodies need. The reality, however, is that a meal plan calling only for fruits and vegetables is imbalanced and can present...

Tip 6 - Fruit, Vegetable & Lean Meat Diet | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Alert Metaj | permalink
Fruit, Vegetable & Lean Meat Diet | LIVESTRONG.COM

A diet consisting of lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables mimics the diets of our ancient ancestors and, proponents believe, best suits our genetics and digestion. Such a diet, embodied in the Paleo Diet Plan, can be very healthy, but challenging to stick to because it is so restrictive. The high protein content keeps you sated and you acquire...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

24.2k+ Reads
6 Tips
7 Votes
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