Skateboard Trucks Information

Skateboard Trucks Information – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Skateboard Trucks Information. This topic was created by Patti Glick and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Understanding Skateboard Trucks - Windward Boardshop

Published:  | Submitted by Brian Linscheid | permalink
Understanding Skateboard Trucks - Windward Boardshop

Everybody knows what skateboard trucks are, but how do they work? Here is a little guide for better understanding skateboard trucks.

Tip 2 - Trucks

Published:  | Submitted by NN Ouellette | permalink

Trucks are the axle for a skateboard. Trucks are the metal T-shaped part that mounts onto the underside of the board, that the wheels will be attached to. A regular skateboard will have two trucks, each facing each other. Trucks can be adjusted to be either more or less stiff -- skateboarders should adjust this to their liking. Skateboard trucks have several parts - the hangar, the kingpin, the axle, and the bushings. To find out more, read this skateboarding dictionary entry on skate trucks.

Tip 3 - How to Build Your Own Professional Grade Skateboard

Published:  | Submitted by Bert Hartogh | permalink
How to Build Your Own Professional Grade Skateboard

How to choose the best skateboard trucks. Choosing your first skateboard board deck can be tough. Here's some basic guides to follow, about choosing your skateboard deck, your skateboard trucks, skateboard wheels, skateboard bearings, skateboard bushings, skateboard grip tape, hardware, riser pads and more. These instructions for choosing your skateboard help with picking parts for riding street, vert, parks, cruising and all terrain skateboarding. Build the perfect skateboard for you.
Tags: Build Your Own Pro Grade Skateboard choosing beginning skateboard deck size riding amateur skating sk8 start deck size riding cruising choosing beginning deck size skateboard riding amateur skating sk8 start riding deck size cruising choosing beginning skateboard riding amateur skating sk8 start riding cruising choosing beginning skateboard riding amateur skating sk8 start riding cruising skateboarding shopping buying building perfecgt skateboards

Tip 4 - Skateboard Trucks Sizing Guide

Published:  | Submitted by Holly Benson | permalink
Skateboard Trucks Sizing Guide

The following guide should help with choosing the right trucks for your particular board and skating style. The specifics about weight, height, and shape are catered towards the brands we sell most: Independent,...
Tags: truck trucks skateboard skate size

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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