Sources of Vitamin D3 in Foods

Sources of Vitamin D3 in Foods – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Sources of Vitamin D3 in Foods. This topic was created by Misty Lake and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Raise Your Vitamin D3 Level

Published:  | Submitted by Papa Stu | permalink
How to Raise Your Vitamin D3 Level

Vitamin D is unique among vitamins; you can synthesize it in your skin as well as absorb it from foods or supplements. To complicate things further, vitamin D also comes in two forms: D2 and D3. Your ...

Tip 2 - Office of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin D

Published:  | Submitted by Leo D Souza | permalink

Information for health professionals about Vitamin D, recommended intakes, sources, intake status, risks of inadequacy or excess, current research on Vitamin D and health, and potential interactions.
Tags: vitamin d, calcium, vitamin d and calcium, calcium and vitamin d, vitamin d2, vitamin d3, d2, d3, dietary supplement, calcidiol, calcitriol, hydroxyvitamin d, dihidroxyvitamin d, bone health, recommended intakes, ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol, vitamin d deficiency, food sources, vitamin d and health

Tip 3 - 12 Ways to Get Your Daily Vitamin D

Published:  | Submitted by Bahram Pourmand | permalink
12 Ways to Get Your Daily Vitamin D

If you dont spend enough time in the sun or if your body has trouble absorbing vitamin D, you may not get enough. Here are 12 ways to ensure adequate intake.
Tags: vitamin d foods, vitamin d sources, vitamin d rich foods, vitamin d deficiency, foods with vitamin d, best foods with vitamin d

Tip 4 - Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin D

Published:  | Submitted by federico arduino | permalink
Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin required by the body for the absorption of calcium, bone development, immune functioning, and alleviation of inflammation. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets, a weakened immune system, increased cancer risk, poor hair growth, and osteomalacia. Excess vitamin D can cause the body to absorb too much calcium, leading to increased risk of heart disease and kidney stones. The current U.S. Daily Value for vitamin D is 600 IU (international units) and the toxicity threshold is thought to be 10,000 to 40,000 IU/day.2 Sometimes vitamin D values are given in micrograms (mcg,μg), when this is the case remember that 1μg=40IU for Vitamin D. Vitamin D is oil soluble, which means you need to eat fat to absorb it. Natural foods high in vitamin D include fish oils, fatty fish, mushrooms, beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks. Vitamin D is also naturally made by your body when you expose your skin to the sun, and is called the sun-shine vitamin. In addition, vitamin D is widely added to many foods such as milk and orange juice, and can also simply be consumed as a supplement. Below is a list of high vitamin D foods, for more see the list of foods rich in vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) and foods rich in vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol).
Tags: high vitamin D foods,foods high in vitamin D,vitamin D rich foods

Tip 5 - Top 10 Vitamin D-Rich Foods

Published:  | Submitted by Beile Gru 00fcnbaum | permalink
Top 10 Vitamin D-Rich Foods

Sure, sunlight is the best place to get this healthy vitamin, but foods are a great natural source, too.
Tags: calcium foods,vitamin D,vitamin d recommendations,vitamin pills,vitamin D Foods,sources of vitamin D,institute of medicine report,vitamin D deficiency,sources of calcium,vitamin d deficiency treatment,vitamin d sun,foods high in vitamin d,vitamin d dosage,vitamin d iu,good sources of vitamin d,foods rich in vitamin d,vitamin d sunlight,natural vitamin d,benefits of vitamin D,foods containing vitamin d

Tip 6 - Food Sources of Vitamin D3 | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Will Philips | permalink
Food Sources of Vitamin D3 | LIVESTRONG.COM

Vitamin D is commonly referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" because it's the only vitamin that can be made by the human body from sun exposure. It plays a very important role in health. The active form of vitamin D is known as vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. The recommended adequate intake (AI) level for vitamin D3 is 5mcg daily for...

Tip 7 - Taking Oral Vitamin D? Avoid Making This Serious Mistake

Published:  | Submitted by Fernando Soriano | permalink
Taking Oral Vitamin D? Avoid Making This Serious Mistake

There are different types of vitamin D supplement sold today, so you must be careful in choosing the right one that will provide you with maximum benefits.
Tags: vitamin d levels, vitamin d supplement, vitamin d benefits, vitamin d3 supplements, drisdol, types of vitamin d, oral vitamin d

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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