Springtime Lawn Care

Springtime Lawn Care – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Springtime Lawn Care. This topic was created by Carol Tapp and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Spring Lawn Care Guide | Today's Homeowner

Published:  | Submitted by Grant Hamel | permalink
Spring Lawn Care Guide | Today's Homeowner

As the world outside finally begins to turn green after a long winter, it's time once again to pay attention to your lawn. Spring is a sensitive time for your yard – the soil is spongy, the plants are tender, and the weather is unpredictable. Your lawn will thank you for being gentle this time of year, but it will also thank you for addressing a few important spring tasks. Here's how to go about taking care of your lawn in the spring. Types of Grass Spring lawn care depends on the type of grass you are growing: Cool-season grasses include fescue, bluegrass, and rye. They have two growth spurts – a moderate one in the spring, and a big one in the fall. They go dormant and can struggle in hot summer months, so the focus of spring care is strengthening the plants for summer. Warm-season grasses—such as Zoysia, St. Augustine, centipede, and Bermuda—thrive in the heat and go dormant during winter. They begin growing after the last spring frost and really get going by midsummer.
Tags: grass,lawn,lawn care,spring,lawn & garden

Tip 2 - 5 Spring Lawn Care Tips

Published:  | Submitted by Rod Marsalis | permalink
5 Spring Lawn Care Tips

Do you know the top 5 spring lawn care tips? Find out the top 5 spring lawn care tips in this article from HowStuffWorks.
Tags: spring lawn care, spring lawn care tips, lawn care tips

Tip 3 - Basic Lawn Care Tips

Published:  | Submitted by Sue Abrams | permalink
Basic Lawn Care Tips

HGTV experts offer advice on how to care for your lawn.

Tip 4 - 10 Ways to Care for Your Lawn Before Mowing Season

Published:  | Submitted by Anil Gupta | permalink
10 Ways to Care for Your Lawn Before Mowing Season

If you neglect spring lawn care, you'll pay for it the rest of the year. Happily, it doesn't require nearly as much time as mowing does in summer.

Tip 5 - Lawn Care Plan for Lawn Maintenance - Scotts

Published:  | Submitted by Daniel Shulman | permalink

Scotts My Lawn Care Plan will help achieve your desired lawn quality by selecting the right fertilizer and maintenance program for your lawn care schedule.
Tags: my lawn care program, growing grass tips, guide to growing grass, scotts, Lawn Care, Lawn Maintenance, Lawncare Lawn Care Tips, Spring Lawn Care, Fall Lawn Care, Lawn Treatment, Yard Maintenance, Lawn Care Schedule, Scotts Fertilizer Schedule, Spring Lawn Care Tips, Lawn Care Maintenance, Lawn Maintenance Schedule, DIY Lawn Care, Fall Lawn Care

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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