Stages of Vascular Dementia

Stages of Vascular Dementia – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Stages of Vascular Dementia. This topic was created by Trascu and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Vascular Dementia: Symptoms, Prognosis, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Published:  | Submitted by shamb 1s | permalink
Vascular Dementia: Symptoms, Prognosis, Diagnosis, and Treatment

WebMD details what vascular dementia is and its causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Tags: vascular dementia, stroke, dementia, symptoms, causes, prognosis, treatments, diagnosis, types, blood flow, high blood pressure, brain

Tip 2 - What Is Vascular Dementia?

Published:  | Submitted by Jonathan Ellis | permalink
What Is Vascular Dementia?

Be aware of the symptoms and your risk factors for this common form of dementia.

Tip 3 - Later Stages of Dementia

Published:  | Submitted by Vyacheslav Kovantsev | permalink
Later Stages of Dementia

During the later stages of dementia most people will become increasingly frail due to the progress of the illness. They will also gradually become totally dependent on others for all their care. Kn...

Tip 4 - Vascular Dementia | Signs, Symptoms, & Diagnosis

Published:  | Submitted by andre abdelmassih | permalink
Vascular Dementia | Signs, Symptoms, & Diagnosis

Vascular dementia is related to Alzheimer's disease but with impairment often more sudden. Learn about vascular dementia causes, signs, symptoms, treatment and support resources.
Tags: vascular dementia, what is vascular dementia, about vascular dementia, causes of vascular dementia, vascular dementia symptoms, vascular dementia treatment, signs of vascular dementia, vascular dementia stages, prognosis for vascular dementia, multi-infarct dementia, mini-strokes, stroke and dementia

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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