Tip - Standby Tickets: How They Work and How Much They Cost | FareCompare

Published  | Submitted by Changu 5f 35u 654fu 541b Jennifer

Flying standby used to mean buying a cheap ticket for the next flight with empty seats. But today, standby generally means you have purchased a ticket already, but want to get on an earlier flight, or you have missed your flight and want to catch a later one. Here's what FareCompare readers need to know about standby policies of airlines in the U.S. AirTran AirTran still allows you to buy a standby ticket, but only if you are between the ages of 18 and 22. Each segment (one takeoff and one landing) costs $69. You cannot check luggage, and your money is refunded if you do not get a seat. For ticketed passengers who want an earlier flight, Airtran charges $25 per person per segment. Airtran Elite members are not charged. Alaska Air Alaska Air offers free same-day standby on the date of departure for nonstop flights between Seattle and…

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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