Tip - Stop Being a Nerd

Published  | Submitted by Ludo Bruynseels
Stop Being a Nerd

As you sit back after decimating a n00b on World of Warcaft, you happen to look in the mirror. A bespectacled, triple-chinned, paste-eating figure stares back at you. "Is that me??? you ask. What a nerd!" Don't worry, it's not your fault. You can stop being a nerd. Nerdiness is a deadly and painful disease, which sadly affects almost 3.1415926535897932384626433832795% of the human population. The disease is highly contagious, genetic, and in most cases, lasting throughout the victim's entire...
Tags: Uncyclopedia,uncyclo,HowTo:Stop Being a Nerd,One Out of Ten Doctors,Nerd,HowTo,Disease,Pi,Uncyclopedia,Star Trek,Virus,Virgin,Uncyclopedian

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Posted: 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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