Strengthening Exercises for the Lower Back

Strengthening Exercises for the Lower Back – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Strengthening Exercises for the Lower Back. This topic was created by Nicole Kelly and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Strengthen Your Lower Back in 15 Minutes

Published:  | Submitted by Mc Guli | permalink
Strengthen Your Lower Back in 15 Minutes

By strengthening and stretching the muscles in your back, you can relieve and prevent pain.
Tags: 15 minutes and you're done, back pain, how to relieve back pain, strengthen your lower back, back exercises, lower back exercises, workout

Tip 2 - Heal Your Lower Back Pain With These 5 Yoga Poses

Published:  | Submitted by Foxfs 2004 | permalink
Heal Your Lower Back Pain With These 5 Yoga Poses

As an athlete, our activities are prone to causing tension in our lower backs. For relief from this pain and tension, do the following poses daily or at least after your workout.
Tags: back injury,back pain,low back,yoga

Tip 3 - Slideshow: Good and Bad Exercises for Low Back Pain

Published:  | Submitted by Sascha Schneider | permalink
Slideshow: Good and Bad Exercises for Low Back Pain

Exercise is good for low back pain -- but a few exercises may make back pain worse. See which exercises for back pain can help, and which to avoid.
Tags: slideshow, slide show, slideshows, slide shows, low back pain, lower back pain, exercises for low back pain, sciatica

Tip 4 - Beat Lower Back Pain

Published:  | Submitted by Elie Nader | permalink
Beat Lower Back Pain

Lower-back pain has the same effect on 19- to 45-year-old men that Lifetime movies have on middle-aged women. It's their leading cause of inactivity. And as if these guys don't suffer enough, they want to scream every time they hear the same lame advice: Strengthen and stretch your lower-back and abdominal muscles.But if that's such a good prescription, why do so many backs still ache?
Tags: Lower back workout, back exercise, back pain prevention, back saving workout, lower back pain workout, lower back pain exercise, mens health

Tip 5 - 3 Exercises for A Strong Lower Back

Published:  | Submitted by Kristie Swatosh | permalink
3 Exercises for A Strong Lower Back

Reduce the chances of injury with these lower back strengthening moves.
Tags: Back exercise, deadlifting technique, how to deadlift, best back move, back strengthening exercise, deadlift tips, good morning, back extensions

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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