Strengths & Weaknesses of a SWOT Analysis

Strengths & Weaknesses of a SWOT Analysis – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Strengths & Weaknesses of a SWOT Analysis. This topic was created by D Smidgy and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Strengths Finder Strengths List

Published:  | Submitted by Patricia Friedberg | permalink

The 34 talent themes listed in the Strengths Finder assessment, such as Achiever, Competition, Learner, Strategic, Woo. The assessment is part of Now Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath.
Tags: Strengths Finder, StrengthsFinder, Strengthsfinder themes, Now Discover Your Strengths Themes, Achiever®, Activator®, Adaptability®, Analytical®, ArrangerTM, Belief®, Command®, Communication®, Competition®, Connectedness®, Consistency®, Context®, Deliberative®, Developer®, DisciplineTM, FairnessTM / EmpathyTM, FocusTM, Futuristic®, Harmony®, Ideation®, Inclusiveness® / Includer®, Individualization®, Input®, Intellection®, Learner®, Maximizer®, Positivity®, Relator®, Responsibility®, Restorative®, Self-Assurance®, Significance®, StrategicTM, Woo®

Tip 2 - Strengths Dashboard

Published:  | Submitted by Ogdensburg DC | permalink
Strengths Dashboard

StrengthsFinder 2.0: The #1 Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek bestseller that introduced StrengthsFinder 2.0. Strengths Based Leadership: Gallup's NEW book that includes a leadership version of the StrengthsFinder 2.0 program
Tags: strength, strengths, StrengthsFinder, Gallup, Gallup Press, book, 2.0, 34, leadership , strengths based, strengths-based, themes, talents, top 5, top five, bestseller, Tom Rath, Barry Conchie, Donald Clifton

For further reading: [2]

Tip 3 - Gallup Strengths Center

Published:  | Submitted by Francis Price | permalink
Gallup Strengths Center

Everybody has strengths -- their unique combination of talents, knowledge, and skills. Strengths are the innate traits and abilities people use in their daily lives to complete their work, to relate with others, and to achieve their goals.
Tags: Gallup, strength, strengths, center, GallupStrengthsCenter, StrengthsFinder, 2.0, 34, strengths based, strengths-based, themes, talents, top 5, top five, talent, career, personal, success, professional, develop, development, relationship, leadership, team, resources, events, best, practices, managers, traits, achieve, Donald Clifton

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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