Suggestions For Arranging an Alumni Get Together

Me and a couple of my friends wanted to arrange an alumni get together for our university. If there are any useful tips or suggestions anyone can provide it would be great. We are planning to invite around 150 old students if that helps.

Tip 1 - Start reaching out old students well before time

Published:  | Submitted by Karen | permalink

You don't know what they are upto, where they are residing currently or what their engagements might be. Start reaching them early so they can make preparations if they wish to attend.

Tip 2 - Get help from some volunteers

Published:  | Submitted by Nelson Pasquini | permalink

You can't do this alone. Contact your university's reunion volunteers and get help from them in order to properly organize everything without taking it all on yourself.

Tip 3 - You will need to sign a confidentiality agreement to get contact list for a class

Published:  | Submitted by Richard Bowring | permalink

Since you will need to contact people from a certain class or year, you will need to get a contact list for those people from your institution. However, before you can do that, you will need to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Tip 4 - Find out whether the majority of the people live in a certain area

Published:  | Submitted by Olivier Hennaux | permalink

Once you start tracking down the people you wish to invite, a good idea is to check whether the majority of them live in or around a particular area. If so, you might want to hold the reunion close so that it is convenient for them.

Tip 5 - If possible, arrange the get together with another event

Published:  | Submitted by Nathan Carpenter | permalink

If people will be traveling from different cities for the get together, you should plan it at a time when it can coincide with another event, like a big football game or something that everyone can enjoy.

Tip 6 - Plan it for the weekend

Published:  | Submitted by Roman Gold | permalink

Don't arrange the get together for any weekday. People are likely to have jobs and will not be able to skip work or risk a late night party during the week. Set it up for the weekend so that traveling and partying is not a problem for anyone.

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Category: Events | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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