Tip - Sweet and Simple Mango Dressing with Three Delicious Salad Ideas - The Tasty Alternative

Published  | Submitted by Natalie Hayes
Sweet and Simple Mango Dressing with Three Delicious Salad Ideas - The Tasty Alternative

This harvest moon is just gorgeous and I can’t WAIT to start decorating for fall.  However, I’m finding it hard to get in the mood here when it’s 100 flippin’ degrees outside.  Yellow leaves, hot apple cider, scarecrows and soup are the farthest things from my mind.  All I want to do is jump in a pool, sip smoothies, and eat salads.  So keeping with the theme here of hot fall nights, I am sharing three fun and easy salad ideas, all topped with one simple mango dressing.  Theoretically, you could just blend up a super ripe mango and use that as a dressing, but I’ve added just a few other ingredients to give … Continue reading →

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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