Teaching Mathematics to Preschool Kids

Teaching Mathematics to Preschool Kids – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Teaching Mathematics to Preschool Kids. This topic was created by Andrew Suba and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Early Math Matters: A Guide for Parents of Preschoolers

Published:  | Submitted by Kim Kurtz | permalink

What do you need to know and do to help your preschooler learn about math? Giving preschoolers a solid foundation in early math literacy is critical to their future academic success, not to mention how important it is to their day-to-day functioning.
Tags: preschool math, early math skills, number sense, pre-k, geometry, measurement, math language, spatial relations, math concepts, childhood math skills, early math, child math awareness, early math games and activities, preschool math program, homeschooling your preschooler

Tip 2 - Preschool Math Grows Up: Tips for Teachers

Published:  | Submitted by Milind Limaye | permalink

As a preschool educator, you surely delight in your young students’ zest for learning. From the outside, it might seem like your job is all about fun and games, but parents of young children know (and appreciate) how you influence and model positive behaviors, shape instruction, cultivate optimism and positive attitudes about school and learning, boost self-esteem, and provide the foundation for their future in school and in the community.
Tags: preschool math, no child left behind, get ready to read, early math, ncld, national center for learning disabilities

Tip 3 - Early Math Matters: Preparing Preschoolers to Succeed

Published:  | Submitted by Micki Magno | permalink

Math is best taught at both home and at school. Parents and teachers can work together to make math a fun part of every preschooler’s day.
Tags: preschoolers, math, early math skills, early childhood education, stardards for achievement in math, early math curricula, math testing, math programs, number sense, preparing preschoolers, geometry, measurement, language of math, spatial relations, young children, pre-k math, early arithmetic, mastering math concepts, preschool math program, research in early math learning

Tip 4 - What’s the Point of Teaching Math in Preschool?

Published:  | Submitted by Eron Napier | permalink
What’s the Point of Teaching Math in Preschool?

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on math instruction in pre-K classrooms. In this Chalkboard, Drew Bailey examines the size and longevity of the likely effect of early math learning on math skills much later in life. 
Tags: preschool, pre-k, math in pre-k, education, early childhood education

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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