Tip - The Anti-Aging Plan: The Nutrient-Rich, Low-Calorie Way of Eating for a Longer Life--The Only Diet Scientifically Proven to Extend Your Healthy Years: Roy L. Walford, Lisa Walford: 9781569243831: Amazon.com: Books

Published  | Submitted by Marisu Oliver

The Anti-Aging Plan: The Nutrient-Rich, Low-Calorie Way of Eating for a Longer Life--The Only Diet Scientifically Proven to Extend Your Healthy Years [Roy L. Walford, Lisa Walford] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div>The late Dr. Roy L. Walford spent much of his life's work researching low-calorie diets, and is now recognized as a pioneer of what is widely recognized as calorie restriction (CR)—a diet consisting of fewer calories while maintaining adequate nutrition. In The Anti-Aging Plan
Tags: Roy L. Walford, Lisa Walford,The Anti-Aging Plan: The Nutrient-Rich, Low-Calorie Way of Eating for a Longer Life--The Only Diet Scientifically Proven to Extend Your Healthy Years,Da Capo Press,1569243832,Alternative Therapies,Healthy Living,Consumer Health,Diet & Nutrition - Diets,Diet/Nutrition,Dietetics & nutrition,Diets & dieting,Fitness & diet,Geriatric Nutrition,Health & Fitness,Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition / Diets,Medicine: Textbooks & Study Guides,Nutrition And Diet

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