The Average Cost of a Master's Degree

The Average Cost of a Master's Degree – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on The Average Cost of a Master's Degree. This topic was created by Janet Melendez and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Calculate the Return on a Master's Degree

Published:  | Submitted by Bonnie Boyd | permalink
Calculate the Return on a Master's Degree

Prospective students need to crunch the numbers before enrolling in a graduate program.
Tags: careers,graduate schools,Kelsey Sheehy,education,business school,engineering,engineering graduate school

Tip 2 - Is the Cost of a Graduate Degree Worth It?

Published:  | Submitted by Joe C | permalink
Is the Cost of a Graduate Degree Worth It?

Detailed information on over 4000 colleges and universities, online schools, and graduate programs. Also provides financial aid information and test preparation resources.
Tags: College Information, College Search, College Search Engine, College Search Website, College Guide, College Search Tools, USA Colleges, American Colleges

Tip 3 - Is graduate school worth the cost? Here’s how to know.

Published:  | Submitted by Dan Gallagher | permalink
Is graduate school worth the cost? Here’s how to know.

Money isn't the only reason to go back to school, but coming out with a high salary becomes more important when debt is in the picture.
Tags: graduate school, student loans, get there, gethero

Tip 4 - Master's Degree | The Best Schools

Published:  | Submitted by danielle FAVACHE | permalink
Master's Degree | The Best Schools

A master’s degree shows a high level of mastery of a particular subject and typically takes two years of full time study to complete. Some people acquire a master’s degree to gain a pay raise or to change career fields. A master’s degree also makes it easier to obtain a management position. Some jobs require …

Tip 5 - Masters Degrees: Are They Worth It?

Published:  | Submitted by Anja Ruppel | permalink
Masters Degrees: Are They Worth It?

A new report shows that master’s degree graduates in many fields realize significantly higher starting salaries than their counterparts who hold bachelor’s degrees.
Tags: computer,entrepreneurs,economy,personal sacrifices,National Association of Colleges and Employers,computer science,education,elementary education,admissions officers,Labor Department,aspiring entrepreneurs,vice president,student loans,back to school,interest rates

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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