The Average Pastor's Salary

The Average Pastor's Salary – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on The Average Pastor's Salary. This topic was created by Jeroen Bruckwilder and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Pastor Salary |

Published:  | Submitted by Walter Stilphen | permalink
Pastor Salary |

View salary range, bonus & benefits information for Pastor jobs in the United States or search by specific US and Canadian cities and towns. View open positions, job Descriptions and other statistics related to Pastor jobs.
Tags: Pastor unemployment insurance benefits compensation unemployed salary range job search career education salaries employee assessment performance review bonus negotiate wage change advice california new york jersey texas illinois florida

Tip 2 - Average Pastor Salaries in United States Churches

Published:  | Submitted by mark gadzikowski | permalink
Average Pastor Salaries in United States Churches

A look at the average salary for a pastor in the United States.
Tags: Average pastor salaries in United States

Tip 3 - Big churches, big bucks: Southern senior pastors take top salaries - Religion News Service

Published:  | Submitted by Vander | permalink
Big churches, big bucks: Southern senior pastors take top salaries - Religion News Service

(RNS) Warren Bird, research director at Leadership Network, said pastors have long held a lofty place of authority in the South, and that may be why they are paid more in that region.

Tip 4 - A Breakdown of Salaries and Benefits for Senior Pastors

Published:  | Submitted by Lynne Shaw | permalink

Editor's Note: The 2014-2015 Compensation Handbook for Church Staff is now available. This resource details pay and benefits data for 14 church positions, including two new ones–part-time musician and ...
Tags: Administration,Bookkeeping,Children,Church Finances,Compensation,Compensation and Benefits,Health Care,Housing Allowance,Insurance,Pastors,

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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4 Tips
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