Tip - The Best Nerf Gun for Every Kid (At Heart)

Published  | Submitted by Pastor Wooten - Officer
The Best Nerf Gun for Every Kid (At Heart)

As a kid, I strapped a Nerf gun to my bicycle so I could dive bomb the neighborhood kids, while traveling—I imagined—at five times the speed of sound. As an adult, I’ve carried a foam-firing blaster to no fewer than three jobs. But a funny thing happened earlier this year: I realized my old guns weren’t any good anymore.
Tags: Best Nerf Gun, The Bests, Nerf, Toy Guns, Hasbro, Mattel, toys, blasters, foam, weapons, guns, Boom.co, BOOMco., Gizmodo

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More by Pastor Wooten - Officer

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Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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