The Difference Between an Ethernet Switch and a Router

The Difference Between an Ethernet Switch and a Router – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on The Difference Between an Ethernet Switch and a Router. This topic was created by Guna Shekar and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - What is a Network Switch vs. a Router?

Published:  | Submitted by Computer 1 | permalink
What is a Network Switch vs. a Router?

What is a network switch as opposed to a router? To understand basic networking, you need to know the difference.
Tags: Resources_Landing, What is a Network Switch, What-is-a-network-router, What-is-a-network-switch, What_is_a_Network_Switch, basic-networking, managed-switches, networking-basics, small-business-networking-basics, unmanaged-switches

Tip 2 - What's the difference between a hub, a switch, and a router? - Ask Leo!

Published:  | Submitted by Steve Sax | permalink
What's the difference between a hub, a switch, and a router? - Ask Leo!

Hubs, switches, and routers are all computer networking devices with varying capabilities. Unfortunately, the terms are also often misused.

Tip 3 - What's the Difference Between a Router, Switch, and a Hub?

Published:  | Submitted by Jaafar Syed | permalink
What's the Difference Between a Router, Switch, and a Hub?

A router is a more sophisticated network device than either a switch or hub. Routers offer features like firewall support and DHCP server capability that hubs and switches do not. Some routers also contain built-in switches.

Tip 4 - What is the purpose of a gigabit ethernet switch?

Published:  | Submitted by animepwns | permalink
What is the purpose of a gigabit ethernet switch?

So my old router needed replacement and my dad bought a Netgear gigabit ethernet switch instead of a router. It said that it gets 1Gbps when I look inside the local area connection speed. The problem

Tip 5 - What is the difference between a network hub, switch and router?

Published:  | Submitted by Arnab Mitra | permalink
What is the difference between a network hub, switch and router?

Information and help about the differences between a network hub, switch, and router.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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