Tip - The Easy Way to Clear Your Private Search Data

Published  | Submitted by Jerry Skorpil
The Easy Way to Clear Your Private Search Data

A step-by-step tutorial on how to delete browsing history (temporary Internet files, cookies, history, form data, and passwords) in Internet Explorer 7.
Tags: clear cookies, clear history, ie history, ie security, ie7 security, ie cache, clear cache, clear ie cache, clear browser cache, ie passwords, erase ie passwords, clear ie passwords, clear cache, clear ie7 cache, internet explorer history, ie history, ie7 history, ie 7 history, internet explorer delete history, ie delete history, ie 7 delete history, ie7 delete history, ie7 delete cookies, ie 7 delete cookies, ie 7 clear form data, internet explorer form data, delete browsing history

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Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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