The History of Hard Drives

The History of Hard Drives – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on The History of Hard Drives. This topic was created by Babasse and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Timeline: 50 Years of Hard Drives

Published:  | Submitted by Brandie Tucker | permalink
Timeline: 50 Years of Hard Drives

A look at the history of hard drives.

Tip 2 - The History Of The Hard Drive And Its Future

Published:  | Submitted by Chris Prochak | permalink
The History Of The Hard Drive And Its Future

Travel back in time to check out development of the hard drive plus take a peek into where the storage technology is headed.
Tags: hard drives, storage, cloud storage, ibm, HAMR technology

Tip 3 - History of the hard drive

Published:  | Submitted by Sean Kenealy | permalink

The first hard drive was invented in early 1956, at the request of the US Air Force, by the company IBM. It was called the RAMAC 305 (with the name standing for Random Access Method of Accounting and Control), a group of 50 aluminium disks each 61 cm...

Tip 4 - SSD vs. HDD: What's the Difference?

Published:  | Submitted by Bettina Cutler | permalink
SSD vs. HDD: What's the Difference?

A hard drive is a hard drive, right? Not exactly. We lay out the differences between SSD and HDD storage to help you figure out which type is the best choice.

Tip 5 - A brief history of the hard drive

Published:  | Submitted by Stefan Zilliacus | permalink
A brief history of the hard drive

Hard disk drives sure have come a long way, baby. In the 1950s, storage hardware was measured in feet—and in tons. Today, we have flash drives, microdrives, and onboard solid-state drives that weigh almost nothing, hold gigabytes of data and cost (compared to the 1950s) very little.

Tip 6 - Tech Time Warp of the Week: The World's First Hard Drive, 1956 | WIRED

Published:  | Submitted by d 0s | permalink
Tech Time Warp of the Week: The World's First Hard Drive, 1956 | WIRED

IBM unleashed the world's first computer hard drive in 1956. It was bigger than a refrigerator. It weighed more than a ton. And it looked like one of those massive cylindrical air conditioning units that used to sit outside your grade school cafeteria.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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