The Impact of the Stock Market on the U.S.

The Impact of the Stock Market on the U.S. – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on The Impact of the Stock Market on the U.S.. This topic was created by AVA 3925641 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Economic Indicators That Affect The U.S. Stock Market

Published:  | Submitted by Oswald Bachlechner | permalink
Economic Indicators That Affect The U.S. Stock Market

Macroeconomic factors like GDP, Inflation, and Retail Sales affect the value of your portfolio. Understanding these economic indicators is vital for every investor in the marketplace.
Tags: portfolio management,inflation,unemployment rate,economic indicator,producer price index

Tip 2 - How does quantitative easing in the U.S. affect the stock market?

Published:  | Submitted by Joel Sandahl | permalink
How does quantitative easing in the U.S. affect the stock market?

Read about the impacts of quantitative easing, or QE, on prices in the stock market, and learn some of the possible implications of ending QE.
Tags: quantitative-easing,economy,economic policy,economic regulation,financial theory,government & politics,macroeconomics,monetary policy

Tip 3 - How Do Stocks and Stock Investing Affect the US. Economy?

Published:  | Submitted by Suzanne amp Trent Worsley - Deacon | permalink
How Do Stocks and Stock Investing Affect the US. Economy?

Stocks and stock investing affects the U.S. economy. Why the stock market is a leading economic indicator.

Tip 4 - Wall Street bears warn: We're on verge of crisis

Published:  | Submitted by K Boyer | permalink
Wall Street bears warn: We're on verge of crisis

The global economy is heading south in the eyes of Wall Streets bearish forecasters. It could easily take the US economy with it.
Tags: bears, wall street, apple, america, microsoft, caterpillar, nasdaq, dow, s&p 500, roubini, bank of america, wages, oil prices, us dollar, europe, china, japan, greek

Tip 5 - Bull market is 3rd longest in U.S. history

Published:  | Submitted by amir abdella | permalink
Bull market is 3rd longest in U.S. history

Stocks have been on the upswing for 2,250 days, making this the third longest bull market in U.S. history. Can they keep going up?
Tags: stocks, stock market, bull market, US stocks, bespoke investment

Tip 6 - Is the U.S. Stock Market Overvalued?

Published:  | Submitted by Darrell Whitaker | permalink
Is the U.S. Stock Market Overvalued?

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen caused a stir recently when she said that stock valuations were “generally quite high.” But are stocks overvalued?

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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