©istockphoto/aimintang Modern day Hawaii upholds many ancient traditions, passing meaning behind sacred symbols and meanings to each generation. Symbols often generated in nature, are still seen in the wild, as well as through jewelry pieces and tattoo art. It is said those who wear, or worship, the symbol generate that energy behind the symbol. Keep the Aloha spirit and tradition alive through the energy, meaning and spirit behind these ancient Hawaiian symbols. Makau – Fish Hook Pendant Hawaiians have a deep connection and understanding of the ocean. The Makau is a fishhook pendant, which was used in ancient times to find food. During the early eras, locals would create fishhooks out of various materials – bones, wood, coral and stone. Today, the fish hook necklaces sold represent everything good: strength, prosperity and good luck. Pendants are often made in bone, wood or jade materials. Rainbow The rainbow has various meanings in Hawaiian culture. They are the celestial path
Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago
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