Tip - The Workout for Every Guy: The Beginner's Workout

Published  | Submitted by meganhale
The Workout for Every Guy: The Beginner's Workout

You’re an eternal beginner. You get on a program and fall off just as fast. You skip the gym if it’s raining. Sound familiar? Don't blame yourself. Your problem probably isn't a weakness of character (although you need some steel in your spine too)—it's probably that you're not following the right strategy. Pry the snooze button off your alarm clock, because with a little effort, you can adopt good exercise and diet habits, thanks to this plan from Brian Grasso, a trainer and life coach in Montreal. (Photographs by Marius Bagge)

Tags: The Workout for Every Guy: The Beginner's Workout — Keep falling off the fitness wagon? Adjust your strategy and get in the habit of success.

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Posted: 7 years, 12 month(s) ago

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