Our Vision Starting a company is an arduous and lonely journey, and technology entrepreneurship is a constantly evolving discipline. The Founder Institute aims to improve the rate of startup success by creating local startup ecosystems that emulate the unique characteristics of Silicon Valley.
Our Formula Great People + Expert Training + Collaboration = Exponentially Better Chance of Success
Great Companies Start With Great People It's very hard to judge a new founder by the quality of their idea, because there is too much subjectivity involved. To apply to the Founder Institute, you do not need to provide an idea. Instead, we use a proprietary Predictive Admissions Test to find the most talented people.
To date, over 20,000 people have applied, and the Founder Institute can predict with 85% accuracy somebody's potential to become a successful technology entrepreneur. Our revolutionary entrepreneur research has been featured in The New York Times, CNN, and Forbes.
Posted: 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
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