Tip - These Upstairs Neighbors Are Worse Than Yours:

Published  | Submitted by hdrg
These Upstairs Neighbors Are Worse Than Yours:

On my best friend's first day of college, she discovered she had the worst upstairs neighbor. All day long she heard a repetitive banging sound which she assumed was some kind of rubber ball being bounced and it threw here into a near rage. The next day she learned that, instead, the student above her walked with a cane. Oops. On my best friend's first day of college, she discovered she had the worst upstairs neighbor. All day long she heard a repetitive banging sound which she assumed was some kind of rubber ball being bounced and it threw here into a near rage. The next day she learned that, instead, the student above her walked with a cane. Oops.

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Posted: 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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