Things You Should Never Say Or Do in a Business Meeting

Everyone has made that one mistake of slipping something out in a business meeting or doing something which led to either severe reprimand or even being fired. What are the things you guys keep in mind when sitting in a business meeting and things you guys never say out loud?

Tip 1 - Don't Text or take calls on your phone

Published:  | Submitted by Aimee | permalink
Don't Text or take calls on your phone

It is extremely rude and sends a very bad impression if you text or take calls during a business meeting. Make sure your phone is silent before you enter a meeting and keep it that way till it ends.

Tip 2 - Don't contradict your superiors

Published:  | Submitted by Shaneburt | permalink
Don't contradict your superiors

If your superior or supervisor is saying something in a meeting, it can be a bad idea to contradict him/her. If you have anything to say against his/her pitch or idea, you might want to discuss it after the meeting, unless you were asked for your feedback.

About This Topic

Category: Business & Finance | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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