Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing Office Space for a Startup

We are currently in the process of searching for a new office space to set up our startup. Can anyone experienced give any tips regarding things we should keep in mind? We intend to expand once our startup takes off successfully.

Tip 1 - Make sure there are adequate electricity connections and internet coverage

Published:  | Submitted by Reese | permalink

If you are running an IT related business you will need to hook up a lot of computers or laptops to the main supply. If there are not enough electrical outlets you will need to get custom wiring done, which can be very expensive. Similarly, ensure proper internet coverage before you commit to a location.

Tip 2 - No competitor in your surroundings

Published:  | Submitted by Hasan Shirazi | permalink

Make sure there is no competitor of yours within the surrounding or you may lose a portion of business to them.

Tip 3 - Is your business online or physical?

Published:  | Submitted by jacobbrown | permalink

This is an important consideration because online businesses don't necessarily need posh office spaces while real world, physical businesses need to create a positive image with the office space.

Tip 4 - It should be located conveniently for your team

Published:  | Submitted by Aimee | permalink

Since its a startup, long hours are common for the team members. If your office is located far away your people will have trouble getting to work and back. Just make sure your office is located conveniently in a central, easily accessible location.

Tip 5 - Enough Parking Spaces for Your Employees

Published:  | Submitted by Lester B | permalink

In my line of business, I have found parking spaces are limited and restricting. Lack of parking spaces, leads to lateness and in general office issues.

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Category: Business & Finance | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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