Tips Every Women Should Know About How Men Think, React and What They Say

What a man thinks can only be known to him but what he says does not always equal to what he thinks.  So many relationships could be much better with historical understanding of how men think, act, behave and feel. This is a place to add as many tips, insights, advice on things, all women should realize about men. Basically things men wish they could share with women. Man Brain 101.

Tip 1 - Never Put His Mother Down

Published:  | Submitted by David Bousquet | permalink
Never Put His Mother Down

In most cases, sons are closer to their mothers and will not tolerate any criticism towards them. My girlfriend actually has a lot of similarities with my mother and she still use to put my mother down, i hated it.  Our biggest fight happened because i did not say anything for years and my girlfriend kept doing it.  One day i could not take it any more and you can guess what happened.... the end result "she never did it again".

Even when he criticizes his own mother, don't pitch in.

Tip 2 - The Need For Effectiveness Remains An Ancient Powerful Force Shapes Men Profoundly

Published:  | Submitted by Maria Frunchak | permalink
The Need For Effectiveness Remains An Ancient Powerful Force Shapes Men Profoundly

Good men are dutiful men. They want to be effective in their lives, their careers, and their relationships. They are driven to be devoted and capable, and a good man wants to be the most important thing in the world to the woman in his life.

Unfortunately, people’s greatest strengths often hold the seeds of their deepest struggles, and that’s certainly true of the good and dutiful man. His need to be effective skews the way he views himself, his partner, and his relationship. It can even be a destructive force when he finds his loyalties overburdened outside the relationship, or when expectations change within it.

Despite its perils, that need for effectiveness remains an ancient and powerful force for good. It shapes men profoundly, and it is one of the most important things to understand about good and dutiful men.

Shawn Smith is a licensed psychologist in Denver, Colorado.

Tip 3 - The male mind isn’t afraid of commitment – It’s their associations with it

Published:  | Submitted by David Mancillas | permalink
The male mind isn’t afraid of commitment  – It’s their associations with it

A lot of women I meet think that guys are inherently terrified of being with one person.
It’s not true. The only reason is because they associate it with losing their freedom, having sexual excitement, being able to pursue whatever they want.

The great news is, that these feelings are entirely within a woman’s control. If you appear needy and desperate for a relationship, he’ll be terrified of them.

If you make him WANT to commit and show him that life will only get more fun when he does, committing to you will only excite him more.

Men aren’t as shallow as women think.

Though a man might sleep with a woman for her looks, this by itself will never make him look at that girl as relationship-worthy.

Tip 4 - Don't bring back beef that has already been squashed

Published:  | Submitted by JJJ | permalink

if you had a fight in the past, don't bring it back in future arguments, its a very womanly thing to do but it will upset your man and also make him think twice about what he says to you in the future... that means not having an open relationship where you can speak freely about everything.

Tip 5 - Build your confidence on cloud 9 and drop you down, be careful

Published:  | Submitted by Adele Chatterton | permalink

be careful you have the right man!

Tip 6 - "When you ask me what's on my mind and I say "nothing," I really mean nothing."

Published:  | Submitted by cheryl79 | permalink

Would it kill you to wear something with pockets? I don't want to carry around your lipstick and license all night.

I love it when you laugh at my jokes. Even the stupid ones. 

Tip 7 - Never Ask A Question, If You Don't Really Want To Know The Answer

Published:  | Submitted by Aameer Lakhani | permalink

Most of the time the answer will be ok but every now and than, you may hear something you will never be able to take it out of your head.  We all have secrets we’d like to carry to our deathbed. When you force open that deathbed before its time, it may not be pretty.  This goes both ways for men and for women.

Tip 8 - Please do not ask me if you look fat

Published:  | Submitted by Danny Villarreal | permalink

It is always a loaded question. I am screwed if i say Yes and i am not getting any if i say No.  You might think it is the end, when you tell her No you don't look fat. It is the start of a long question/answer quest.  We don't like to answer any questions which put us on the spot. At least i don't.

Tip 9 - When I screw up, go ahead and tell me—once

Published:  | Submitted by Roman Gold | permalink
When I screw up, go ahead and tell me—once

When I screw up, go ahead and tell me—once.

No question need ever be asked through a closed bathroom door if I'm inside. I love you less with each syllable you utter.

I'm hot for you, not your sister or your friend or your coworker.

My guy friends. Not only are they not negotiable, they're your best sign that I'm not a whack job.

Don't be afraid to ditch the makeup. Natural is sexier.


Tip 10 - Ask me what you want done please don't tell me how to do it

Published:  | Submitted by yousry edris | permalink

Ask me what you want done please don't tell me how to do it.  I'm sure i'm not the only one, my girlfriend asks me to do something and than she tells me how to do it.  Most cases she has no clue what she is talking about and confuses me also.  If you are in the same boat, if she really knows what to do, tell her to do it herself.  It will save both of you lots of time, which can be spent on more interesting things.

Tip 11 - Friends Come First: He Will Choose His Friends Over You

Published:  | Submitted by Chris Ashcroft | permalink

Some bonds are much stronger than the others and trying to break them can backfire. If his friends have been with him before you came along, regardless of how much he likes to get his thing wet, he will move on if you make him choose.  Don't make him choose.

Tip 12 - Ask for what you want, we can't read minds

Published:  | Submitted by yair hadar | permalink

Please just ask, don't :

Don't Hint in your mind - I can't read it

Don't Hint in passing - I won't notice it

Don't Hint at all - I might take it the wrong way

Please, please just tell me what you want.


Tip 13 - Let Shit Go Or You Will Lose Him

Published:  | Submitted by Dan Spiker | permalink
Let Shit Go Or You Will Lose Him

Fights will happen, it’s a fact of relationship. Take it as it comes and get over it after it is finished.  Bringing back who’s fault is it or using it in another fight later is not wise.  Every time you throw old arguments back in his face, you lose a bit of his trust. Time comes when the trust meter runs out.  When there is no trust, there is no relationship.

Tip 14 - Don't Try To Change Him, You Will Not Succeed

Published:  | Submitted by Bryan Mendean | permalink

Most women know this and there are some who will test it. They know how he is but they think to themselves, "i can change him" - Truth is, you can not change him.   And if you do some how pull a rabbit out of the hat, and change him. It won't last long, and when he figures it out, how he will act is known only to him.  The better route is to love him for what he is, not what you want him to be. 

Tip 15 - Don't Snoop into his Phone

Published:  | Submitted by michellevette | permalink

Tip 16 - Never push a man to compliment you, give him time otherwise it puts him off

Published:  | Submitted by Allison Brenner | permalink

Don't push it or it will probably push him away, turn off.

Tip 17 - Regardless of what you think, He Will Check Out Other Women

Published:  | Submitted by Bob Huthart | permalink

Just know this about men, we like to window shop but that does not mean what is being looked at will be bought also.  Hotter the women, more we look at her.  This does not mean he is not faithful to you, It's an automatic reaction and we can't help it.   More you try to prevent it more it will happen.

Tip 18 - Men want to feel needed

Published:  | Submitted by 3ak | permalink

It's important to be independent and capable of looking after your own needs, but if that turns into carrying a “I'll never need a man” chip on your shoulder, you may drive him away. Men like to know they are needed in your life. Whether it’s fixing your car, providing financially for you or solving a problem, men actually like being asked to help. Create some space in your relationship, give up some control and don't be afraid of giving him the opportunity to help.

Tip 19 - What's Wrong, If you say Nothing is wrong, I will not try to guess

Published:  | Submitted by D Dobbin | permalink

What's Wrong, If you say Nothing is wrong, I will not try to guess.  We don't like guessing, if there is something wrong please tell us especially when we ask you.  Don't say nothing is wrong and then hope we will figure it out on our own.  I think some men might do the same but it is wrong on both fronts.  Just say what is wrong and let us find a solution for it.

Tip 20 - 75.8% will look at woman with a great body 62.3% have a mental set of sensual images

Published:  | Submitted by Jesse Kean | permalink
75.8% will look at woman with a great body 62.3% have a mental set of sensual images

1. Imagine you are sitting alone in a train station and a woman with a great body walks in and stands in a nearby line. What is your reaction to the woman? {Choose One Answer}

I openly stare at her and drool forms on my lower lip.    4 %

I’m drawn to look at her, and I sneak a peek, or glance at her from the corner of my eye.    75.8 %

It is impossible not to be aware that she is there, but I try to stop myself from looking.    
18 %

Nothing happens; it doesn’t affect me.    2.3 %

2.  Many men have a mental set of sensual images that rise up or can be conjured up in their minds. Does this apply to you? {Choose One Answer}

Base = Respondents who answered question    400
Yes, and these images are regularly changing – for example, the great body from the previous question could be recalled hours or days later.    62.3 %

Yes, but they are mostly images from years gone by.     24.5 %

No, I don’t have a mental set of sensual images.    13.3 %

By: Shaunti Feldhahn

Tip 21 - Pamper them like Babies!

Published:  | Submitted by Siya S | permalink
Pamper them like Babies!

Men require lots attention and care. As long as you are constantly keeping them well fed, pampered, and loved they will be happy. 

Tip 22 - Ladies know when to move on...

Published:  | Submitted by theflowergirl | permalink

ladies when a man truly loves you, you'll know...  you won't need to read his mind or guess what his actions may mean. he won't need to play games... his agendas will be clear...  he'll be man enough to stand by you.. for you.. in love with you... circumstances be what may and if he doesn't, he isn't worth it... in which case know your own worth and move on. life is too precious, life is too short...  

Tip 23 - Buy email lists usa

Published:  | Submitted by rabbi | permalink
Buy email lists usa

Internet marketing can be incredibly powerful and when it is done correctly, you can easily expand your customer base and increase your bottom line by employing the proper online marketing techniques. One of the first steps to any successful online advertising campaign is to buy an email list. There are many great opportunities on the internet where you can buy email list that will provide you with targeted email addresses for promoting your product or service. So, if you need to buy email list or products, you will quickly see that there are many great options for doing so as there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to buy email list that target the precise customers you are after

When you buy email lists usa that are widely available, for your email marketing campaign then you should take time out to consider the effectiveness of such a venture before simply firing out newsletters and promotions to all and sundry. Email advertising can be a very effectual means of promoting goods and services to a large audience, but mere size of distribution does not necessarily bring out the perfect results.

It is important when you buy email lists usa, particularly some free mailing lists, because some can be very dated and not relevant to subject. Addresses that were compiled some time ago will probably not going to promote the best response and you could be looking at a very poor conversion rate with regard to anyone even opening them. It is obviously clear also that targeting an audience with a leaning towards the subject matter you are dealing in will have a much better chance of creating much interest in your product or service. Reputable email services companies know that if they send out email for a client from a list full of bad emails, you could be blocked; so could they. That's why email services companies that know what they are doing won't let you import a purchased address list to begin with.

So, building up lists of emails is a task you must put some extra effort behind in order to kick your email marketing efforts into gear. The problem is that nobody really wants more email, particularly spam from any kind of unknown sources. Create checklists, forms, and detailed instructions for things that your prospects might want to use or know. This is something you should be doing no matter what, but using this information to attract email addresses is proved to be winner.

Sending too much commercial email and people soon will stop responding. In fact, "sending too many emails" is a top reason for consumers to unsubscribe from a list or mark the sender as a spammer. People are careful with what happens to their list, so if they do choose to let other people use it, then they will want to tightly control this use. And they will only allow this if the recipients on their list have given permission (when they signed up) to receive commercial messages from third parties.


For further reading: [23]

Tip 24 - Buy Email Lists UK

Published:  | Submitted by asialipi 98 | permalink
Buy Email Lists UK

Search Engine Marketing enables you to pick as many keywords as you like and be featured highly in the search engines for each one provided you have the resources to go after all of them. There is very little expense involved in the set-up and once you have your website optimised properly you can reap the benefits for a long time. Search engine marketing allows you to target the exact customers that you want without wasting time and money on others.

The traditional methods of marketing such as billboards, newspapers, etc. are like the equivalent of buckshot whereas search engine marketing gives you a laser guided approach to getting the attention of the customers that you want.

Internet marketing is the direction that all companies are going and search engine optimisation as well as search engine marketing are vital components of this. The speed of change on the internet means that you have to be able to adapt and unlike brick and mortar businesses you can do this very inexpensively on the web. You can also diversify or go into a completely different market if you so choose without spending a lot of money at the outset.

For further reading: [24]

Tip 25 - Direct Mail Lists For Sale

Published:  | Submitted by atikakh | permalink
Direct Mail Lists For Sale

Internet marketing can be incredibly powerful and when it is done correctly, you can easily expand your customer base and increase your bottom line by employing the proper online marketing techniques. One of the first steps to any successful online advertising campaign is to buy an email mail lists for sale there are many great opportunities on the internet where you can buy email list that will provide you with targeted email addresses for promoting your product or service. So, if you need to buy email list or products, you will quickly see that there are many great options for doing so as there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be able to buy email list that target the precise customers you are after

When you buy email lists that are widely available, for your email marketing campaign then you should take time out to consider the effectiveness of such a venture before simply firing out newsletters and promotions to all and sundry. Email advertising can be a very effectual means of promoting goods and services to a large audience, but mere size of distribution does not necessarily bring out the perfect results.


For further reading: [25]

Tip 26 - buy email lists for marketing

Published:  | Submitted by atekurrahman | permalink
buy email lists for marketing

Such mailing rundown suppliers will hunt down the best arrangements for the customer. After this, they set up the information into buy mailing records that are accessible for the customers at financially savvy costs. There is no compelling reason to stress over your buys when this administration can disentangle everything for you. The best buys will be made when you have the best proposals.

For further reading: [26]

Tip 27 - Sales Directors & Managers Email Database Lists

Published:  | Submitted by naherakter | permalink
Sales Directors & Managers Email Database Lists

Want to get sales directors and sales manager email database lists? Latest mailing database provide you this database and this list is updated and real.

Tip 28 - Elegant dress plays to our desires

Published:  | Submitted by Dan Niswonger | permalink

Elegant dress trumps skimpy dress

An elegant outfit that makes you look like an A-list actress, be it Brigitte Bardot or Emma Watson, plays to our desire for success, grown-up-ness, and classical beauty. Just as you appreciate the rippling muscles of Channing Tatum in a three-piece suit, so too we want to feel like we’re walking down the red carpet with someone who cared enough to put on grandma’s pearls, touch up her makeup, and take the time to find that perfect dress. With the elegant look down, then dinner and drinks turns into a first-class date. The usual, low-cut party dress is fine, but an elegant outfit means we’re dealing with not a girl, but a woman.

Tip 29 - If you constantly draw attention to something, they will start to notice

Published:  | Submitted by Ralph Green | permalink

If you start to mention all the things you dislike about yourself over and over again, he will start to notice. .You are not only beating yourself up about these things, you are also tearing down his first impressions of you. You push him off your leg saying “Im too fat” while he is thinking “I could stroke that leg all day”.  This will erode all the thoughts and desires he constantly has for you and over time will drive him away.


The great thing about this point is that it works in reverse perfectly. Show off those new nails or your new hair do to him. Show a bit of flesh (even the bits you may not like so much). Tease him constantly with that body he desires so much.


Tip 30 - There's a physical, emotional, and spiritual core. Men engage on the first level

Published:  | Submitted by Alfonso Mirabal | permalink
There's a physical, emotional, and spiritual core. Men engage on the first level

They dodge, clam up, problem-solve when you just want them to listen, toss off "yes" or "no" answers when you were hoping to go deeper. The eternal question: What is it with them? For the answers, expert Roland Warren enticed this group of strangers into talking about what they don't like, what we don't know about them, and what will always keep them up at night.

By Lise Funderburg

"People have three layers," says Warren, who speaks with thousands of dads, couples, and families each year. "There's a physical, emotional, and spiritual core. Men tend to engage on the physical level, talking about what happened—not doing life deeply, if you will. This frustrates women, who seem wired to move more quickly from the physical to the emotional, where real intimacy happens."


Tip 31 - Attorneys Email Database

Published:  | Submitted by atekur | permalink
Attorneys Email Database

Lawyer Mailing Lists & Attorneys Email Database

About This Topic

Category: Relationships & Family | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

70.9k+ Reads
31 Tips
142 Votes
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Adnan Arif, 3ak, JJJ, cheryl79, michellevette, Siya S, Nicola Halliday, Herbert Smals, Thomas Kobler, Dario Seghezzi, Emilie Van, David Bousquet, Susana Tavares, Alfonso Mirabal, Angie Bjornson, Katia Bruno, yousry edris, Marie Zolezzi, Eric van Iperenburg, Ulf Zwedberg, sonia janovjak, Mary Shoemaker, Dan Niswonger, Jennifer Behr, yair hadar, Roman Gold, Emerson Queiroz, mireya celis, Warren Kingdon, Bryan Mendean, fay barbosa, Susan Zierman, Rosi Huber, Jose Francos, Johann Strydom, Bob Huthart, Steven Spector, Chris Ashcroft, David Mancillas, D Dobbin, David Mc Leod, Allison Brenner, Paul Duffany, Jesse Kean, MARCOS de MATOS, Jody Isom, Jerome Thomere, Frank Mach, Joan Mc Culley, Danny Villarreal, Lawrence Peryer, Joyce Ollila, Dan Spiker, Maria Frunchak, Hans - Ju 00f 8rgen Bach - Nielsen, Seann Van Cleve, Sahrin Topon, Mike Hindman, Michael Domenicone, Ralph Green, Aameer Lakhani, Sandra Mendoza, krishna mohan, Jeff Uden, Leonardo de Almeida, Gayle Stamas, Adele Chatterton, Larry Namer, Gute Kekse, Stephen Abernathy, Julie Pham, Mark Tabor, Louise Baker, theflowergirl, Gabriella Canonica, Mads Mernild, Donna Marx, Francesca Martinese, Adam Rubins, Amadeo Filho, Shabbir Dattu, Yvonne Kaps, ruth silver, tziviah ariel, Robert Medik, vanessa huchette, Dean Shehmar, Bedjet Iseni, MONICA BABOOTA, David Connor, Maria Celorico, W Hernalsteen, Deepak Kamani, Austin Hughes, Eric Pottoore, Josu 00e 9 Rodrigues, Iraj Yazdi, BFLACK 210 flack, Enid Zayas, Igor Gajic, Quinton Jay, Asad Hussain, Peter T Hooft, James Kappelman, dhanasekaran chinnu, Francesco Meneghetti, Roberto Vitalini, Benne Clark, Beth Schott, Hege Sitje, Karyn Buxman, Ignacio Mijares, Anasss, lala 26, shockw, Ph Repo, Puzrla Premysl, Gary Rutherford, Gregory Waldron, Gregory Talcott, Jilly van Deventer, Arnie 84, Super man, Troy Karnoff, abdurrazzak, rabbi, asialipi 98, atikakh, atekurrahman, naherakter, consumermailinglists, atekur