So you want to start your own business and think property management is the place to be. What kind of person can be successful in this business, and what is required for starting a property management company? What is a Property Manager? Property managers take care of and manage buildings and other real estate properties for individuals or groups of owners. They are classic middle managers that connect owners to renters and also take care of vacant properties. One attraction of property management as a new business venture is that the barrier to entry is low. Startup costs are affordable ($2,000-$10,000), no advanced degrees are required, and you can get into the business with little experience. Having a background in real estate is helpful, but not essential. Most important is the ability to be well organized, able to connect and empathize with people, and be responsive to many types of urgent situations. You’ll want to build a strong network of contractors [...]
Posted: 9 years, 7 month(s) ago
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