Tips for Getting Rid of Dandruff

I have tried many different shampoos but my dandruff keeps coming back. Wearing black is such a problem, it is embarrassing in parties and gatherings. Please share some tips you guys use to handle dandruff, I don't want to be washing my hair every day either.

Tip 1 - Apply yogurt to your scalp

Published:  | Submitted by Bryan | permalink

Yogurt is very effective in reducing dandruff. Just apply some to your scalp and let it remain for about 10 minutes before washing it out. Do it twice a week and you will see results.

Tip 2 - Use tea tree oil to treat dandruff

Published:  | Submitted by Karen | permalink

Tea tree oil is a great but little known solution for dandruff. The oil has properties similar to antiseptics and can help you get rid of dandruff flakes. Just apply the oil directly on to your scalp for an hour or use it with your shampoo to wash your hair thoroughly.


Tip 3 - Lemon Wash to Get Rid of Dandruff

Published:  | Submitted by Stephanie Cheng | permalink
Lemon Wash to Get Rid of Dandruff

Take peels of 3-4 lemons and boil them in 4-5 cups of water for approximately 15-20 minutes. Once it cools down, use this solution to wash your hair, at least once a week.

Tip 4 - Use Baking Soda for Dandruff

Published:  | Submitted by Nina | permalink

Baking soda is actually very effective in removing dandruff flakes from your scalp. Just add one teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo and wash your hair thoroughly. All the flakes in your hair and on your scalp will be removed by this.

Tip 5 - Oil your hair regularly

Published:  | Submitted by Brody | permalink

Dandruff is usually caused by a dry scalp, just make sure you oil it regularly and you should see a significant decrease in flakes.

Tip 6 - Black pepper with Yogurt

Published:  | Submitted by Anabel 4 | permalink

Take a cup of yogurt and mix 2 spoons of black pepper in it. Once its mixed properly apply it to the scalp and leave it for about an hour. Wash it with a mild shampoo.

Tip 7 - Use Garlic & Lemon to cure dandruff

Published:  | Submitted by Gracie 76 | permalink

2 tbsp Garlic
1 tbsp Lemon Juice

Mix them both and apply to your hair and wash after half an hour.

Tip 8 - Get Reetha powder and make a paste of it

Published:  | Submitted by Susanne | permalink

Reetha is a great solution for dandruff. You can easily get reetha power and them make a paste of it using a little water. Then apply this paste on the scalp for about 2 hours before washing. This will remove all the dandruff from your hair.

Tip 9 - Snake Gourd is a great home remedy for Dandruff

Published:  | Submitted by Jonah | permalink

You just need to get some juice of snake gourd and then rub it all over your scalp, making sure you reach in deep. Leave it on for an hour or more before washing and you will soon get rid of dandruff.

Tip 10 - Use onion paste for your dandruff

Published:  | Submitted by Denise | permalink

Make a paste of onions and then apply it on your scalp thoroughly. Leave the paste on for at least one hour before washing it off. You will notice how dandruff disappears. If the smell of onions is strong you can use lemon juice to get rid of it.

Tip 11 - Mixture of Henna and Beetroot leaves

Published:  | Submitted by Jiya Verma | permalink

Make a mixture of heena powder and crushed beetroot leaves and apply that to your scalp for getting rid of dandruff.

Tip 12 - Use a mixture of Coconut Oil & Lemon juice on your scalp

Published:  | Submitted by Brenda 22 | permalink

Take approximately 5 table spoons of coconut oil and 1 table spoon of lemon juice. Mix them and apply to your scalp. Leave it for about half an hour and then wash with a mild shampoo. Lemon juice will turn your hairs grey is just a myth so don't worry at all I've done this all by my own.

Tip 13 - Use Apple Cider Vinegar while washing your hairs

Published:  | Submitted by Celine 40 | permalink

Pour 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a mug of water once you are done with washing your hairs pour it on your scalp or else you can massage with it for about 3 to 5 minutes which will help you to get rid of dead skin cells and dandruff flakes.

Tip 14 - Chickpea flour and curd paste

Published:  | Submitted by Bridget | permalink

Just take some chickpea flour, like around 4 tablespoons, and mix it up with curd until a paste is formed. Apply this paste them on your scalp and leave it there for at least one hour. If you want you can also add a few drops of lemon oil and then wash your hair later. This is a great remedy for dandruff.

Tip 15 - Get Neem paste to apply on scalp

Published:  | Submitted by Debbie | permalink

Neem is very effective against dandruff. The paste can be applied directly on to the scalp and not only helps fight dandruff but also lice and other scalp conditions.

Tip 16 - Aspirin also help in getting rid of dandruff

Published:  | Submitted by Janet 94 | permalink

Put 2 tablets of aspirin in the water, apply shampoo and wash your scalp with that water.

Tip 17 - Rosemary Leaves Oil with Vinegar or Coconut Oil

Published:  | Submitted by Lara 130 | permalink

Mix up both the rosemary leaves oil and vinegar or Coconut Oil and apply to scalp. Try to apply it at night and wash it off in the morning.

Tip 18 - Massage your scalp with warm oil

Published:  | Submitted by Nora27 | permalink

The best way to deal with dandruff at home is to use lukewarm oil. You can try any variety, like almond oil, coconut oil or olive, but make sure its not hot. Just get it warm and then thoroughly massage your hair before you sleep. Wash them in the morning.

Tip 19 - Aloe Vera Gel for dandruff removal and skin treatment of scalp

Published:  | Submitted by Kaley 112 | permalink

Apply and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it. Aloe vera does not only help in removing dandruff but also repairs any damaged skin on your scalp.

Tip 20 - Apply Eggs

Published:  | Submitted by Delilah 58 | permalink

Take 2 eggs beat them properly and apply them to your scalp.
Leave it for about an hour, then wash your hairs with a mild shampoo.
It won't only help getting rid of dandruff but also makes your hair look shiny and glowing because it acts like a conditioner.

About This Topic

Category: Beauty & Personal Care | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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