Tips for People with Desk Jobs

I work 8 hours a day sitting on a desk and my daily commute is 2 hours, then when I am at home, I work a couple of hours in the night, sitting again. So basically I am sitting all day long and its not good for my health. Do you guys have any tips for people who have desk jobs?

Tip 1 - Stretch your limbs every hour or so while you are sitting

Published:  | Submitted by Rupert Clark | permalink

Even if you can't get up from your seat, you can stretch your limbs and you should do it after every hour or so of working. This prevents your body from stiffening up and helps circulate blood, especially in your legs.

Tip 2 - Take Exercise Bands with you to work

Published:  | Submitted by Joanne | permalink

Exercise bands are very versatile and you can easily use them at work. Just get up after an hour or so and exercise for a couple of minutes to keep your muscles working.

Tip 3 - Take a Bike to Work and Back

Published:  | Submitted by Jessica Thompson | permalink

If your work is not too far away, you can ride a bike to work and back. This will not only save you travel costs but also give you much needed exercise.

Tip 4 - Make Sure Your Desk and Chair are Properly Aligned

Published:  | Submitted by Hillary Adams | permalink

A lot of times people don't pay attention to their work stations and the height and alignment of their desks and chairs. If your seat is low and you are not at a good level in relation to the desk, your body posture will not be good for prolonged sitting.

Since you are in a desk job, you need to make sure you are sitting up and straight. If you are using a computer, make sure the screen isn't too close to you or too far.

Tip 5 - Go for a walk during your lunch break

Published:  | Submitted by Randy | permalink

All workplaces have lunch breaks and you should use yours productively. Get up and go out for a walk around the block or grab your lunch yourself from a roadside vendor. Since you have to sit due to work and the drive, you should make the most of your lunch break and get in some exercise.

Tip 6 - Make Sure You Get Up From Your Seat After Every 35 - 45 Minutes

Published:  | Submitted by Nelson | permalink

Sitting for prolonged periods of time hampers your blood flow, especially the lower part of your body. Make sure you get up for a couple of minutes and walk around after every 35 to 45 minutes.

Tip 7 - Use lumbar cushions to support your back

Published:  | Submitted by Lizzy | permalink

If you are sitting on a seat for prolonged hours you should look at getting lumbar support cushions to help you maintain a good posture. Most office chairs don't have any built-in back support so these cushions will prevent back pain or back issues due to your desk job.

About This Topic

Category: Health & Fitness | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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