Tips on Keeping Strong After Marital Infidelity!

I am a woman, like many out there with issues of marital infidelity. I love my husband very much, and we have been together for a very long time, so I am not going to give up so easily on our hard earned relationship. We are trying to work it out, but during this process I am trying to keep strong. If any of you ladies can better advice me on how to keep strong; I just want to be able to keep my mind busy and focused on better things.

Tip 1 - Don't Go Out of Your Way to Make Up With Him

Published:  | Submitted by Anderson | permalink

Don't be one of those women who go out of their way to patch things up with their husbands. It's his fault so let him take steps to rectify it. What you can do is to be open to his efforts and encourage him just enough that he keeps trying. If you give back too much he will take you for granted.

Tip 2 - You are already strong - your husband is the one who is weak

Published:  | Submitted by Lizzy | permalink

Dear, you don't need tips on staying strong, your husband does. He cheated on you, he is the weak one. You are already strong because you are faithful to him. So my advice is that you don't take this on yourself or consider this a weakness. Your husband needs help and he is lucky to have you. 

Tip 3 - Move out temporarily till your husband realizes his mistake

Published:  | Submitted by Henderson | permalink

You can actually move out, stay with your parents, or siblings or a friend for a few days and leave your husband alone. This will not only give you some time to think about things and he will also begin to realize his mistake, especially in your absence. You don't have to separate or anything, but this should not be dusted under the rug.

Tip 4 - Don't Blame Yourself. It's Not Your Fault.

Published:  | Submitted by Jessica Thompson | permalink

The worst thing you can do is to blame yourself for what your husband did. Remember, it's not your fault, nor an inadequacy on your part. Stay strong, but don't take all the pressure on yourself. Your husband should be held majorly responsible for his choices.

Tip 5 - Treat Yourself

Published:  | Submitted by 007 | permalink
Treat Yourself

Buy yourself a new outfit. If ever there was a time when you deserved a comfort purchase it is now, when you're surviving infidelity. Buy yourself flowers too. You need to be reminded in the midst of your blackest hour, even though your whole world has become ugly and dark, that there still is beauty in the world. It doesn't feel like it today, but there is actually still hope for your future. Visit a tanning salon, a short treatment in the soothing light is good for your mood. Doctors often recommend tanning to patients struggling with depression. Make an appointment to treat yourself to a luxury service at your local spa. This will give you something to look forward to. You may also want to consider getting your hair done. Treat yourself, today! You deserve it. You need all the mood help you can get. A nice walk in a park is not a bad idea either. Do things you normally enjoy doing, even though you don't feel like it.

BY: Anne Bercht

Tip 6 - If you have Kids, Focus on them

Published:  | Submitted by Amara | permalink

If you have kids you should focus on them, not only will this help get your mind off the whole thing but will also show your husband that you care for the family and he should too. Remember, no matter what the two of you decide, the kids are going to be the ones affected by it in the end.

Tip 7 - Physicians Email List

Published:  | Submitted by atekur | permalink
Physicians Email List

Email lists by targeted category U.S.A Physicians mailing List with doctors personal and business contact address with email and phone number.

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Category: Relationships & Family | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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