Tips to Keep Kids Safe Around Dogs in the House

My young ones often invite their cousins to our place as well and I have to be very careful with them being around our dog. Fluff isn't very aggressive or hyper, but I would still like some tips you guys use to ensure the safety of children when there is a dog at your house.

Tip 1 - Don't let the kids near the dog without supervision

Published:  | Submitted by Karen | permalink

You should always keep an eye on the kids and not let them near your dog unsupervised.

Tip 2 - Tell Kids not to disturb the dog

Published:  | Submitted by Susanne | permalink

You should tell your kids not to disturb the dog while it eats, sleeps or is resting. Most dogs will not cause any issues if they are not disturbed.

Tip 3 - Exercise your dog before the visit

Published:  | Submitted by Andrew Tay | permalink

A great way to make sure your dog is not aggressive around the kids is to get it some exercise beforehand. Take your dog out for a run so it can use up all its energy and be more calm when the kids are around.

Tip 4 - Keep the dog away from the eating area

Published:  | Submitted by Rod Murrow | permalink

Dogs can get excited by the smell of food and it can get hard to control them then. Since you will be serving food to the kids, keep the dog away from the eating area to prevent any such incident.

Tip 5 - Tell the kids not to run around the dog

Published:  | Submitted by Albert Bell | permalink

Dogs can get excited if people run around them and try to catch them. Tell the kids not to run or jump around the dog or do anything to aggravate or excite it.

About This Topic

Category: Parenting | 10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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