Tomato Juice Remedy for Lawn Brown Spots

Tomato Juice Remedy for Lawn Brown Spots – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on Tomato Juice Remedy for Lawn Brown Spots. This topic was created by Eric Bluffstone and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Lawns and Dogs But Not Tomato Juice

Published:  | Submitted by Gonu 00e 7alo Guerra | permalink
Lawns and Dogs But Not Tomato Juice

Courtesy of Diana Alfuth, Horticulture Educator, Pierce County UW Extension The gardening world is full of myths and traditions, some of which work and can b

Tip 2 - How to Keep Your Dog's Urine From Killing Grass | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Stan bernard | permalink
How to Keep Your Dog's Urine From Killing Grass | eHow

If you have a lawn and a dog, you probably have seen the dreaded patches of dead, yellowed grass that reveal your canine’s favorite spots to urinate. You don’t want to part with your pup, but you want your yard to be healthy, green and lush, so you need to find a way to keep dog urine from killing your grass. While a quick fix for the...

Tip 3 - Dog urine on lawns

Published:  | Submitted by Dani Ishida | permalink

Tags: dog urine on lawns

Tip 4 - Fixing Grass Damaged By Dog Pee

Published:  | Submitted by Jodie Carpine | permalink
Fixing Grass Damaged By Dog Pee

This is a guide about fixing grass damaged by dog pee. Excessive dog urine can cause brown spots on your lawn.

Tip 5 - Dog urine

Published:  | Submitted by Barry Nakamura | permalink
Dog urine

I have a new lawn and a new dog. They are not getting along! Every place she pees the grass is dying. Any solutions? Thanks!
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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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