Tip - Too early to get up, too late to get back to sleep - Harvard Health

Published  | Submitted by Lenka J
Too early to get up, too late to get back to sleep - Harvard Health

Sleep-maintenance insomnia, the inability to remain asleep during the night, may be caused by health problems, depression, or stress. Research has shown that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) provides better long-term relief for insomnia. Maintainin...
Tags: health, information, medical, information, health, news, health, report, health, newsletters, health, newsletter, Harvard, Health, Publications, Harvard, Health, health.harvard.edu, health, harvard, edu, Harvard, Heart, Letter, Harvard, Health, Letter, Harvard, Women's, Health, Watch, Harvard, Mental, Health, Letter, Harvard, Men's, Health, Watch, Perspectives, on, Prostate, Disease

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Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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