BurgerBusiness.com was created in 2009 with a mission: recognize and celebrate restaurants that go beyond simply having a good burger. Almost every operation has a burger, and many are really good. But that’s not enough to make this list of Top Burger Menus. These are burger joints that are committed to burgers. The list started with menus from these five joints: Twisted Root Burger Co., Dallas Red Mill Burgers, Seattle Kuma's Corner, Chicago M:brgr, Montreal, Toronto (new 2014 menu uploaded! Mr. Bartley's Gourmet Burgers, Cambridge, Mass. Since then the honor roll of burger menus has grown. BurgerBusiness.com readers have recommended many of these. Others just had to be included because their menus are that good. Chains with more than five locations are not eligible (foreign chains exempt). Chains get enough attention. The list has the newest burger menus at the top. Don’t miss the International Division at the bottom. Vertigo Burger & Fries, Tallahassee, Fla. Hopdoddy Burger
Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago
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